Development Status and Prospect of Coatings for TiAl-based Intermetallics
Received:July 29, 2022  
中文关键词: TiAl合金  涂层  抗氧化性  耐磨性
英文关键词: TiAl alloys  coatings  oxidation resistance  wear resistance
Author NameAffiliation
XUE Peng Ji Hua Laboratory, Guangdong Foshan 528251, China 
LI Xiao-bing Ji Hua Laboratory, Guangdong Foshan 528251, China 
CHEN Bo Ji Hua Laboratory, Guangdong Foshan 528251, China 
QIAN Kun Ji Hua Laboratory, Guangdong Foshan 528251, China 
ZHANG Meng-shu Ji Hua Laboratory, Guangdong Foshan 528251, China 
SHU Lei Ji Hua Laboratory, Guangdong Foshan 528251, China 
LIU Kui Ji Hua Laboratory, Guangdong Foshan 528251, China 
Hits: 2100
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      With excellent high-temperature mechanical property, TiAl alloys are expected to replace Ni-based superalloys owing to the lightweight feature in the industry application. However, unsatisfactory oxidation and wear resistance result in limited high-temperature life of TiAl alloys, which is unfavorable for industrial application. Preparing coatings on TiAl alloys could enhance the durability of the alloy in different service environments and thus improve its range of application, because the mechanical and surface properties of substrate and coating are kept after deposition. This work describes the desired characteristics and then the usual preparation method of coatings used for TiAl alloy as well as the classification of coatings, summrizes the research status of different coating systems and prospeets the development trend of preparation technology and coating properties.
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