大线能量钢板EH40轧制工艺和焊接性能研究 |
Research on Rolling Process and Welding Properties of EH40 Suitable for Large Heat Input Welding |
Received:July 28, 2022 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2022.10.011 |
中文关键词: 连续冷却相转变 冲击性能 EH40 焊接性能 |
英文关键词: continuous cooling transformation impact property EH40 welding property |
基金项目: |
Author Name | Affiliation | WANG Na | Institute of Research of Iron and Steel IRIS, Shasteel, Jiangsu Zhangjiagang 215625, China | ZHANG Yu | Institute of Research of Iron and Steel IRIS, Shasteel, Jiangsu Zhangjiagang 215625, China | MA Han | Institute of Research of Iron and Steel IRIS, Shasteel, Jiangsu Zhangjiagang 215625, China | QIN Ya-fei | Institute of Research of Iron and Steel IRIS, Shasteel, Jiangsu Zhangjiagang 215625, China |
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中文摘要: |
目的 试制16、35和70 mm厚超大线能量焊接钢板EH40。方法 基于“新一代氧化物冶金技术”路线进行成分设计,通过研究连续相转变行为制定轧制工艺,最后测试试制板的微观组织、力学性能和焊接性能。结果 试制板组织为铁素体加少量珠光体,抗拉强度≥521 MPa,伸长率≥22%,‒40 ℃冲击吸收能量≥167 J。焊接热模拟结果表明,线能量为100~400 kJ/cm时,模拟CGHAZ在‒40 ℃下的冲击吸收能量≥56 J。分别采用三丝埋弧焊和气电立焊单道次焊透35 mm厚板,线能量>300 kJ/cm,焊接接头的抗拉强度≥520 MPa,焊接热影响区在‒40 ℃下的冲击吸收能量≥79 J。结论 试制板EH40可满足超大线能量的焊接要求。 |
英文摘要: |
EH40 steel plates with a thickness of 16, 35 and 70 mm was successfully hot rolled based on new oxide metallurgy route and study of continuous transformation behavior, and thus microstructure, mechanical property and weldability of the rolled plates were examined. The plates consist of ferrite and pearlite, and show a tensile strength ≥ 525 MPa, elongation ≥ 22% and an impact absorbed energy at ‒40 ℃ ≥ 247 J. The single-pass welding of 35 mm thick test plate was conducted by using FCB and EGW, which has a heat input of >300 kJ/cm. The welded joints exhibit a tensile strength of ≥ 520, and impact absorbed energy at ‒40 ℃ ≥79 J were observed for heat affected zone. The developed steel EH40 is suitable for ultra-large heat input welding. |
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