Materials for Molten Metal Die Forging (MMMDF) and Their Research Progress
Received:March 18, 2022  
中文关键词: 液态模锻  挤压铸造  金属材料  复合材料  工艺性能
英文关键词: moltenmetal die forging (MMMDF)  squeeze casting  metal materials  composites  processing properties
Author NameAffiliation
XING Shu-ming School of Mechanical, Electronic and Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100064, China 
GAO Wen-jing School of Mechanical, Electronic and Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100064, China 
YAN Guang-yuan School of Mechanical, Electronic and Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100064, China 
BAO Pei-wei School of Mechanical, Electronic and Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100064, China 
PAN Qi-jun Hetian Automotive Industry Co., Ltd., Anhui Wuhu 241100, China 
HU Bai-li Hetian Automotive Industry Co., Ltd., Anhui Wuhu 241100, China 
WANG Chao Hetian Automotive Industry Co., Ltd., Anhui Wuhu 241100, China 
YE Wu-wen Hetian Automotive Industry Co., Ltd., Anhui Wuhu 241100, China 
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Download times: 1957
      As a net-shape forming technology, molten metal die forging (MMMDF) is constantly expanding its application and replacing ordinary castings and solid forgings in various field. However, the material range for molten metal die forging process is ambiguous, which leads to that the research and application of molten metal die forging cast alloy are in full swing, while the MMMDF wrought alloys are rarely reported. If the materials suitable for forming by MMMDF technology are defined as molten metal die forging materials, MMMDF materials for short, and the process properties of MMMDF materials are quantitatively characterized by rheological filling ability, rheological feeding ability and cracking sensitivity, all kinds of alloy steel, nodular cast iron, aluminum alloy, magnesium alloy, zinc alloy, copper alloy, biomaterials and metal matrix composites belong to MMMDF materials and have good process properties. At present, only MMMDF aluminum alloy, MMMDF magnesium alloy, MMMDF zinc alloy and some MMMDF alloy steels are actively studied and applied in industry. It is suggested to strengthen the study on the prediction of process properties of MMMDF materials, on MMMDF deformed alloys or wrought alloy, especially alloys with wide crystallization temperature range, and on the metal, matrix composites in the future.
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