Casting Numerical Simulation of Butterfly Valve for Exhaust Brake Based on ProCAST
中文关键词: ProCAST  排气制动阀  球墨铸铁  数值模拟  铸造缺陷
英文关键词: ProCAST software  exhaust brake valve  spheroidal graphite cast iron  numerical simulation  casting defects
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAGN Yun-ping Changshu Tiandi Coal Mining Equipment Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Changshu 215500, China 
Hits: 1668
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      目的 针对排气制动阀铸造工艺控制不当会产生缺陷这一问题,结合模拟分析,提出合理的铸造工艺方案,以减少铸件缺陷。方法 基于ProCAST软件对蝶阀阀体铸造工艺进行模拟,研究阀体铸件在充型、凝固过程中的速度场、温度场、固相率分布和缺陷分布,并根据模拟结果对工艺进行优化。结果 添加侧冒口和冷铁后,阀体的缩松缩孔缺陷得到了有效控制,缺陷体积减少了95%以上,获得了完整铸件。结论 通过铸造模拟有效指导了排气制动用蝶阀的生产实践,优化了生产工艺,节约了生产成本。
      The work aims to propose a reasonable casting process scheme in combination with simulation analysis to reduce the casting defects caused by improper control of exhaust brake valve during casting process. The ProCAST software was used for simulation of the butterfly valve casting process. The flow field, temperature field, solid rate distribution and defect distribution of the valve casting during mold filling and solidification were studied, and the process was optimized according to the simulation results. The results showed that the shrinkage porosity of the casting was effectively controlled, and the defect volume was reduced by more than 95% after the addition of side riser and cold iron. Through casting simulation, the production practice of butterfly valve for exhaust brake is effectively guided, the production process is optimized and the production cost is saved.
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