稀土Sc、La对ZL205A合金铸态组织和时效行为的影响 |
Effects of Rare Earth Sc and La on As-cast Structure and Aging Behavior of ZL205A Alloy |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2022.09.013 |
中文关键词: 稀土La 稀土Sc ZL205A合金 时效行为 |
英文关键词: rare earth La rare earth Sc ZL205A alloy aging behavior |
基金项目: |
Author Name | Affiliation | LI Chun-hui | Beijing Xinfeng Aerospace Equipment Co., Ltd., Beijing 100039, China | HUANG Xin-zhong | Beijing Xinfeng Aerospace Equipment Co., Ltd., Beijing 100039, China | HE Ping | The First Military Representative Office of Air Force Equipment Department in Beijing, Beijing 100039, China | LI Wei | Beijing Xinfeng Aerospace Equipment Co., Ltd., Beijing 100039, China | GONG Zi-jie | Beijing Xinfeng Aerospace Equipment Co., Ltd., Beijing 100039, China | LI Xiao-yu | Beijing Xinfeng Aerospace Equipment Co., Ltd., Beijing 100039, China | LIU Run-fang | Beijing Xinfeng Aerospace Equipment Co., Ltd., Beijing 100039, China |
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中文摘要: |
目的 研究分别添加质量分数为0.1%的微量稀土Sc和稀土La元素对ZL205A合金显微组织和时效析出行为的影响。方法 通过金属型重力铸造法,向ZL205A合金中分别加入质量分数为0.1%的稀土Sc和质量分数为0.1%的稀土La元素,制备得到不添加稀土、添加稀土Sc和添加稀土La的ZL205A合金。通过对比分析显微组织,得出不同稀土元素对ZL205A合金显微组织的影响。对3组合金进行T5热处理,分析不同稀土元素对ZL205A合金热处理后组织的影响。将3组合金在155 ℃温度下进行1~20 h的时效,对比分析不同稀土元素对ZL205A合金时效硬化过程的影响。结果 添加质量分数为0.1%的稀土Sc使ZL205A合金中出现了难溶的AlCuSc相,添加质量分数为0.1%的稀土La使ZL205A合金中Al2Cu相数量增多。稀土Sc的添加未改变ZL205A合金达到峰值时效硬度的时间(8 h),但峰值时效硬度由154HV降低至141HV;稀土La的加入使ZL205A合金达到峰值时效硬度的时间由8 h延迟至14 h,但峰值时效硬度由154HV提高至161HV。结论 添加质量分数为0.1%稀土La的ZL205A合金比添加质量分数为0.1%稀土Sc的ZL205A合金具有更好的强化效果。 |
英文摘要: |
The work aims to study the effects of adding 0.1wt.% trace rare earth Sc and rare earth La on the microstructure and aging precipitation behavior of ZL205A alloy. Through the metal gravity casting method, 0.1wt.% rare earth Sc and 0.1wt.% rare earth La were added to ZL205A alloy to prepare ZL205A alloy without rare earth, rare earth Sc and rare earth La. Through the comparative analysis of the microstructure, the effects of different rare earth elements on the microstructure of ZL205A alloy were obtained. T5 heat treatment was performed on the triple combination alloys, and the effects of different rare earth elements on the structure of ZL205A alloy after heat treatment was analyzed. The three groups of component alloys were aged for 1-20 h at 155 ℃, and the effects of different rare earth elements on the age hardening process of ZL205A alloy were compared and analyzed. The addition of 0.1wt.% rare earth Sc made the refractory AlCuSc phase appear in the ZL205A alloy. The addition of 0.1wt.% rare earth La increased the number of Al2Cu phases in the ZL205A alloy. The addition of rare earth Sc did not change the time for the ZL205A alloy to reach the peak aging hardness (8 h), but the peak aging hardness decreased from 154HV to 141HV. The addition of rare earth La delayed the peak aging time of ZL205A alloy from 8 h to 14 h, but the peak aging hardness increased from 154HV to 161HV. ZL205A alloy with 0.1wt.% rare earth La has better strengthening effect than ZL205A alloy with 0.1wt.% rare earth Sc. |
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