Properties and Microstructure of 304 Stainless Steel by Laser Rapid Forming
中文关键词: 激光快速成形  304不锈钢  抗拉强度  微观组织
英文关键词: laser rapid forming  304 stainless steel  tensile strength  microstructure
Author NameAffiliation
LUO Zhao-wei Hebei Vocational University of Technology and Engineering, Hebei Xingtai 054000, China 
ZHANG Jian-qiao Hebei Vocational University of Technology and Engineering, Hebei Xingtai 054000, China 
SUN Xuan Hebei Vocational University of Technology and Engineering, Hebei Xingtai 054000, China 
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      目的 满足实际生产需求,提高304不锈钢的抗拉强度。方法 在304不锈钢粉末中添加不同质量分数的Ni60AA粉末,采用激光束对粉末进行快速成形,得到不同的试样。通过金相显微镜对不锈钢试样的显微组织进行观察,利用拉力试验机对试样进行抗拉强度测试。结果 随着添加Ni60AA粉末含量的增加,板材试样的抗拉强度呈现出先增大后减小的趋势,当Ni60AA粉末的质量分数为10%时,试样抗拉强度最大,为754~771MPa。结论 添加Ni60AA粉末后,激光快速成形的304不锈钢板材试样微观组织中有部分镍化合物析出,形成强化相,304不锈钢试样的抗拉强度得到很大提高。
      The work aims to improve the tensile strength of 304 stainless steel, so as to meet the actual production requirements. Ni60AA powders with different mass fractions were added into 304 stainless steel powders, and the powders were rapidly formed by laser to obtain different specimens. The microstructure of the stainless steel specimen was observed by metalloscope. The tensile strength of the specimen was tested by tensile testing machine. With the increase of the mass fraction of Ni60AA powder added to 304 stainless steel powder, the tensile strength of plate specimen increased firstly and then decreased. When the mass friction of Ni60AA powder was 10%, the tensile strength of the specimen reached to the highest value of 754-771 MPa. After the addition of Ni60AA powder, some nickel compounds precipitate from the microstructure of the plate specimen, forming strengthening phase, thus greatly improving the tensile strength of 304 stainless steel specimen.
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