工艺参数对7075铝合金带筋壁板时效成形回弹的影响 |
Effects of Process Parameters on Creep Age Forming Springback of 7075 Aluminum Alloy Stiffened Panel |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2022.09.008 |
中文关键词: 铝合金 带筋壁板 时效成形 回弹 |
英文关键词: aluminum alloy stiffened panel creep age forming springback |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51375220);江西省自然科学基金(2016BAB206115) |
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中文摘要: |
目的 研究7075航空高强度铝合金带筋壁板时效成形过程中工艺参数对零件回弹的影响,以提高筋板类零件的产品质量。方法 利用正交试验开展不同工艺参数组合下的带筋壁板时效成形试验,并对带筋壁板时效成形后的回弹率进行极差分析和规律曲线分析。结果 带筋壁板时效成形后的回弹同时受到时效参数和筋板结构参数的影响,各因素按对回弹的影响程度由大到小的顺序依次为时效时间、筋条厚度、筋条高度和时效温度,筋条结构参数对调节构件回弹有重要作用,并且回弹率实测值基本处于回弹率随工艺参数变化的拟合曲线附近。结论 回弹率随时效时间和筋条高度的增加表现为非线性下降趋势,随筋条厚度的增加呈现线性上升趋势。7075铝合金带筋壁板时效成形后的回弹行为可以用回弹率回归方程进行较为合理的描述。 |
英文摘要: |
The work aims to study the effects of process parameters on springback of 7075 aviation high strength aluminum alloy with stiffened panel during creep age forming, to improve the product quality of stiffened panel. Based on the orthogonal test, the creep age forming experiments of stiffened panel were carried out under different technological parameters, and the range analysis and law curve analysis of the springback rate of the stiffened panel after creep age forming were carried out. The springback of the stiffened panel after creep age forming was affected by both the aging parameters and the structural parameters of the stiffened panel. The effect degree of each factor on springback was the aging time, reinforcement thickness, reinforcement height and aging temperature in descending order. The structural parameters of the reinforcement played an important role in adjusting springback. It was found that the measured value of springback rate was near the fitting curve of springback rate changing with the process parameters. The studies show that the springback rate decreases linearly with the increase of aging time and reinforcement height, and increases linearly with the increase of reinforcement thickness. The springback behavior of 7075 aluminum alloy stiffened panel after creep age forming can be reasonably described by the regression equation of springback rate. |
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