Effect of Bending Radius on Annealing Flattening Size and Microstructural Properties of 7A85 Structural Panel
中文关键词: 7A85铝合金  结构壁板  压弯半径  退火压平  成形尺寸  组织性能
英文关键词: 7A85 aluminum alloy  structural panel  bending radius  annealing flattening  forming size  microstructural properties
Author NameAffiliation
FAN Zhen-zhong AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China
Beijing Advanced Engineering Technology and Application Research Center of Aluminum Materials, Beijing 100095, China 
ZHANG Dong Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, Beijing 100076, China 
HAN Jin-quan Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
WEI Jia-le AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China
Beijing Advanced Engineering Technology and Application Research Center of Aluminum Materials, Beijing 100095, China 
XU Chen-ling Dalian Huicheng Aluminum Co., Ltd., Liaoning Dalian 116105, China 
LU Zheng AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China
Beijing Advanced Engineering Technology and Application Research Center of Aluminum Materials, Beijing 100095, China 
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      目的 为满足结构舱段用高强高韧铝合金宽幅薄壁高筋整体成形壁板的精密制备需求,在材料退火组织状态下,结合不同压弯半径展平工装,实现7A85结构壁板的展平处理。方法 采用ABAQUS有限元软件计算不同压弯半径下的结构回弹尺寸,采用万能力学性能试验机测试不同区域的力学性能,结合扫描电镜完成组织形貌与断口形貌的观察。结果 随着压弯半径的增大,7A85铝合金结构壁板蒙皮区域的应力峰值持续下降,结构回弹尺寸误差先下降后上升,立筋区域的应力峰值持续下降,结构回弹尺寸误差先下降后上升。当FSW加厚区进行压弯时,随着压弯间隙的增大,应力峰值持续下降,随着压弯半径的增大,应力峰值先上升后下降,结构回弹尺寸误差明显提高。结论 结合7A85铝合金挤压圆筒不同区域金属型退火展平模具,成功制备出了幅长为8 000 mm、幅宽为1 280 mm的7A85铝合金结构壁板。
      The work aims to meet the precise preparation requirements of high-strength and high-toughness wide thin-wall high-reinforcement integrally-formed aluminum alloy panel for structural cabin, so as to flatten the 7A85 structural panel by combining flattening tools with different bending radii under the annealing microstructure of the materials. The rebound structural size under different bending radii was calculated by ABAQUS FEM software, the mechanical properties were tested by universal testing machine, and the microstructure and fracture morphology were observed by scanning electron microscopy. The peak stress inside the skin regions of 7A85 aluminum alloy structural panel decreased with the increase of bending radius, and the rebound structural size error decreased firstly and then increased. The peak stress in the vertical reinforcement area continued to decrease, and the rebound structural size error decreased firstly and then increased. When FSW thickened area was subject to bending, the peak stress decreased continuously with the increase of bending gap. With the increase of bending radius, the peak stress firstly increased and then decreased, and the rebound structural size error increased obviously. Combined with metal mold annealing flattening dies of 7A85 aluminum alloy extrusion cylinder in different areas, 7A85 aluminum alloy structural panel with a width of 1 280 mm and a length of 8 000 mm is successfully prepared.
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