Double Closed Loop Control Analysis of Hydroforming Equipment
中文关键词: 充液成形  PLC  双闭环控制  PID
英文关键词: hydroforming  PLC  double closed-loop control  PID
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Lin Shenyang Aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110850, China 
GUO Yan First Military Representative Office of Air Force Equipment Department in Shenyang, Shenyang 110850, China 
WEI Li-na Shenyang Aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110850, China 
ZHAO Wen-xue Shenyang Aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110850, China 
ZHANG Shao-jun Tianjin Tianduan Press Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300142, China 
JIA Zhen-yue Tianjin Tianduan Press Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300142, China 
LANG Li-hui School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
WANG Yao School of Mechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China 
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      目的 研究先进充液成形设备的精度控制技术,以满足充液成形过程中对成形介质压力及侧推油缸位置的高精度控制要求,并确保模具型腔的密封性和零件成形的稳定性。方法 基于PLC控制器下的PID闭环控制功能,将速度闭环和位置或压力闭环进行集成,开发应用于液压系统的双闭环控制方法。结果 使用双闭环控制方法,可以调整侧推油缸的位置控制精度及响应速度,并将精度控制在0.1 mm以内,也可调整增压装置的输出端压力控制精度,使精度达到0.3 MPa。结论 在利用充液成形设备进行液压成形的过程中,双闭环技术可以实现设备侧向密封的精确位置控制以及型腔内压力的精确控制。
      The work aims to study the precision control technology of advanced hydroforming equipment, to meet the accurate control requirement of forming medium pressure and lateral feed cylinder position during hydroforming process, so as to ensure the sealing of die cavity and the stability of formed parts. Based on the PID closed loop control under PLC controller, the speed closed loop and position or pressure closed loop were integrated, and the double closed loop control method was developed. With the use of the double closed loop control method, the position control accuracy and respond speed of the lateral feed cylinder could be adjusted. The accuracy could be controlled within 0.1 mm. The pressure control accuracy at the output end of hydroforming device could also be adjusted to make the accuracy reach 0.3 MPa. In the hydroforming process with hydraulic press, the double closed loop technology can realize the accurate control of the lateral feed seal position and the internal pressure.
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