Effects of Solid Solution Aging Treatment on Microstructure and Properties of Deposited Layers of 4043 Aluminum Alloy
中文关键词: 4043铝合金  丝材增材制造  固溶时效处理  组织  力学性能
英文关键词: 4043 aluminum alloy  wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM)  solution-aging treatment  microstructure  mechanical properties
Author NameAffiliation
XIE Rui-jun School of Materials Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Huhhot 010000, China 
WANG Qi-xing School of Materials Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Huhhot 010000, China 
CHEN Fu-rong School of Materials Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Huhhot 010000, China 
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      目的 研究CMT增材制造的4043铝合金在固溶时效处理后的组织与性能变化规律。方法 利用基于冷金属过渡技术的金属丝材增材制造方法制造出4043铝合金试件,采用金相组织观察、硬度测试、室温拉伸性能测试、能谱分析等手段,观察并测试固溶时效处理后4043铝合金沉积层的组织与性能。结果 增材制造的沉积层与母材间的成分分布不均匀,Al多以树枝状晶形式存在,共晶Si以片状形式存在,固溶时效处理能够使沉积层内共晶Si聚集,元素扩散均匀。在540 ℃下固溶处理2 h、180 ℃下时效处理8 h后,性能提升最为明显。结论 使用增材制造方式制造零件后,可采用固溶时效处理的方式改善组织、提高性能,从而扩大使用范围。
      The work aims to study the change rules of microstructure and properties of 4043 aluminum alloy by CMT additive manufacturing after solid solution aging treatment. 4043 aluminum alloy specimen was manufactured by wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) with the cold metal transfer technique. The microstructure and properties of 4043 aluminum alloy after solid solution aging treatment were observed and tested through metallographic observation, hardness test, room temperature tensile property test and energy spectrum analysis. The composition distribution between the deposited layer and the additively manufactured base metal was not uniform, with Al mostly in the form of dendritic crystals and eutectic Si in the form of flakes. The solid solution aging treatment can make eutectic Si aggregate in the deposited layer and the elements diffuse evenly. The most obvious improvement in properties can be seen after solid solution aging treatment at 540 ℃ for 2 h and aging treatment at 180 ℃ for 8 h. The solid solution aging treatment can be used to improve the microstructure and properties after the production of the additively manufactured parts, thus expanding the range of use.
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