Research Progress of Additive Manufacturing of CM247LC Nickel-based Superalloy
中文关键词: 增材制造  高温合金  CM247LC  微观组织  裂纹
英文关键词: addictive manufacturing (AM)  superalloys  CM247LC  microstructure  cracking
Author NameAffiliation
QIAO Shen Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced High Temperature Materials and Precision Forming, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China 
ZHOU Wen-zhe Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced High Temperature Materials and Precision Forming, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China 
TAN Qing-biao Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced High Temperature Materials and Precision Forming, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China 
DONG An-ping Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced High Temperature Materials and Precision Forming, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China 
ZHU Guo-liang Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced High Temperature Materials and Precision Forming, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China 
SHU Da Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced High Temperature Materials and Precision Forming, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China 
SUN Bao-de Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced High Temperature Materials and Precision Forming, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China 
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      航空航天领域的热端部件逐渐呈现结构复杂化和高耐热高承载的发展趋势,高温合金增材制造已成为高耐热承载复杂结构部件成形制造的重要技术方案。主要介绍了增材制造CM247LC合金微观组织特点,并对冶金缺陷形成机理与消除方法进行了综述。已有研究表明,增材制造CM247LC合金具有精细的晶粒尺寸,表现出强烈的<001>织构,增材制造CM247LC合金的胞界处存在尺寸约50 nm的颗粒状γ'相,并且胞界处存在Ti、Hf、Ta、W、C等元素明显富集的碳化物。裂纹是CM247LC合金在增材制造过程中最难以解决的冶金缺陷,仅通过优化工艺参数难以真正解决裂纹缺陷,合理优化成分有望实现裂纹消除,但优化了成分的合金在增材制造后的全面性能有待进一步评估。
      The hot end parts in the aerospace field show the development trend of complex structure, high heat resistance and high load-bearing capacity. Additive manufacturing of superalloys has become an important technical solution for the manufacturing of hot end parts with complex structures. This work mainly introduced the microstructure characteristics of CM247LC alloy prepared by additive manufacturing and summarized the formation mechanism and elimination methods of metallurgical defects. Studies show that the CM247LC alloy prepared by additive manufacturing has a fine grain size and exhibits a strong <001> texture. There is a granular γʹ phase with a size of about 50 nm at the cell boundary of CM247LC alloy prepared by additive manufacturing. And there are carbides that are obviously enriched in elements such as Ti/Hf/Ta/W/C at the cell boundary. Cracks are the most difficult metallurgical defect in additive manufacturing of CM247LC alloy. It is difficult to truly solve crack defects only through optimization of process parameters. Reasonable composition optimization is expected to achieve crack elimination. However, the overall performance of alloy with optimized composition after additive manufacturing needs further evaluation.
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