基于超声的注塑成形在线监测技术 |
On-line Monitoring of Injection Molding Based on Ultrasonic Techniques |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2022.08.013 |
中文关键词: 超声技术 聚合物 注射成形 在线监测 |
英文关键词: ultrasonic polymer injection molding on-line monitoring |
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中文摘要: |
目的 在传感器与熔体不接触的条件下获取注射成形过程中熔体流动固化收缩等准确信息。方法 基于超声传感技术,建立适用于塑料注塑成形过程的超声监测系统,通过超声探头采集型腔中某点的超声反射信号强度,结合压力传感器数据与有限元仿真结果对超声信号特征峰值进行分析,并在不同注塑压力、速度、冷却时间等工艺条件下进行多组实验。结果 超声信号特征峰值能够精确感知注射成形过程中熔体流动前沿到达、型腔充填完成、V/P转换、冷却收缩等型腔内实时信息。结论 与压力传感器等技术手段相比,通过超声技术可在与熔体不接触的条件下获取型腔内熔体演变的更多信息。 |
英文摘要: |
The work aims to obtain accurate information such as melt flow, solidification and shrinkage in the injection molding under the condition that the sensor is not in contact with the melt. Based on the ultrasonic sensing technology, an ultrasonic monitoring system suitable for injection molding was established. The ultrasonic probe was used to collect the intensity of ultrasonic reflected signal at a certain point in the cavity, and the characteristic peak value of ultrasonic signal was analyzed by combining the pressure sensor data with finite element simulation. Several groups of experiments were carried out under different injection pressure, speed and cooling time. The characteristic peak value of ultrasonic signal could accurately sense the real-time information of melt flow front arrival, cavity filling completion, V/P conversion, cooling shrinkage, etc. in the injection molding. Compared with the pressure sensor and other technical means, the ultrasonic technique can obtain more information about the melt evolution in the cavity without contact with the melt. |
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