Optimal Design of Solution Forming Process for Typical Automotive Structural Parts
中文关键词: 固溶  时效  汽车轮毂  抗拉强度  时效温度  固溶温度
英文关键词: solution  aging  automobile wheel  tensile strength  aging temperature  solution temperature
Author NameAffiliation
HU Hui-min Hebei Vocational University of Technology and Engineering, Hebei Xingtai 054000, China 
LIANG Chun-lan Hebei Vocational University of Technology and Engineering, Hebei Xingtai 054000, China 
ZHANG Dan-ying Hebei Vocational University of Technology and Engineering, Hebei Xingtai 054000, China 
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      目的 研究和优化汽车轮毂构件的固溶时效工艺。方法 基于正交试验法设计了四因素三水平正交试验,研究了固溶温度、固溶时间、时效温度、时效时间4个工艺参数对抗拉强度的影响规律。结果 时效温度对抗拉强度影响最大,其次是固溶温度、时效时间,固溶时间对抗拉强度的影响较小。结论 通过对极差和均值进行比较分析,获得最优工艺组合如下:固溶温度为560 ℃,固溶时间为180 min,时效温度为170 ℃,时效时间为90 min。在该工艺参数下制备的汽车轮毂构件的抗拉强度可以达到283.6 MPa。
      The work aims to study and optimize the solution aging process of automotive wheel components.A four-factor and three-level orthogonal experiment was designed based on the orthogonal experiment method, and the effects of solution temperature, solution time, aging temperature and aging time on tensile strength were studied. The aging temperature had the greatest effects on the tensile strength, followed by the solution temperature and the aging time. Based on the comparative analysis of the range and the mean value, the optimal process combination is obtained as a solution temperature of 560 ℃, a solution time of 180 min, an aging temperature of 170 ℃ and an aging time of 90 min. The tensile strength of the automotive wheel components prepared according to this optimized process can reach 283.6 MPa.
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