Profile Rolling Process of Clutch Hub
中文关键词: 离合器齿毂  型轧  回弹  减薄
英文关键词: clutch hub  profile rolling  springback  thinning
Author NameAffiliation
SHEN Yu Institute of Forming Technology and Equipment, School of Material Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China 
FANG Xuan-xuan Institute of Forming Technology and Equipment, School of Material Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China 
LU Zhi-yuan Research Institute of Technology of Inner Mongolia First Machinery Group Co., Ltd., Inner Mongolia Baotou 014000, China 
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      目的 针对具有复杂特征的离合器齿毂类零件加工成本高、精度低等问题,开展型轧成形工艺研究。方法 分析型轧成形工艺的相关运动规律、材料流动及回弹特点;采用筒形件作为坯料,设计并加工成工装模具,确定相关成形工艺参数。结果 成形芯轴锥度确定为0.025,成形所得高精度离合器齿毂零件尺寸公差为±0.15 mm。结论 利用型轧工艺可实现高精度离合器齿毂类零件的制造;成形件侧壁存在显著径向回弹现象,且回弹程度沿底部至口部逐渐增加;成形件回弹由减薄后的残余应力和产品周向回弹引起;成形件的回弹可通过优化芯轴锥度及调整材料减薄量进行补偿。所得成果可为此类零件型轧成形工艺及工装模具的开发提供一定依据。
      The work aims to study the profile rolling process to solve the problems of high manufacturing cost and low precision of clutch hub with complex feature. The motion law, material flow and springback characteristics of profile rolling process were analyzed. Thin-walled cylinder was used as preformed part and then designed and processed to a tooling to determine relevant forming parameters. The mandrel taper was determined as 0.025 and the dimension tolerance of the formed high-precision clutch hub was ±0.15 mm. High-precision clutch hub can be formed by profile rolling process. The radius-direction springback of sidewall can be found explicitly in the formed part, which is increased from the bottom to the top of clutch hub. The springback is resulted from residual stress of thinning and circumferential springback, and can be compensated by the optimization of mandrel taper and the adjustment of thinning. Results obtained in this study provide reference for the development of profile rolling process and tooling of such parts.
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