汽车后视镜壳体多级注射成型技术研究 |
Multistage Injection Molding Technology of Automobile Rearview Mirror Housing |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2022.07.022 |
中文关键词: 多级注射成型 后视镜壳体 正交试验 收缩率 |
英文关键词: multistage injection molding rearview mirror housing orthogonal test shrinkage rate |
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中文摘要: |
目的 研究多级注射成型技术对汽车后视镜壳体成型收缩率的影响。方法 利用SPSS软件进行八因素四水平的正交试验设计并进行生产试验,研究熔体温度、保压压力、保压时间、一级注射速率、二级注射速率、三级注射速率、四级注射速率、五级注射速率等8个因素对壳体成型收缩率的影响。结果 一级注射速率对收缩率的影响最大,其次是保压时间、二级注射率和熔体温度,四级注射速率和保压压力的极差数值较小,对收缩率的影响较小。结论 最优的工艺参数如下:熔体温度为220 ℃,保压压力为50 MPa,保压时间为5 s,一、二、三、四、五级注射速率分别为30%、40%、85%、50%、20%。 |
英文摘要: |
The work aims to research the effects of multi-stage injection molding technology on molding shrinkage rate of automobile rearview mirror housing. SPSS software was used to conduct orthogonal experimental design and product test with 8 factors and 4 levels. The effects of melt temperature, holding pressure, holding time, first-stage injection rate, second-stage injection rate, three-stage injection rate, four-stage injection rate, and five-stage injection rate on the molding shrinkage rate of housing were studied. The first-stage injection rate had the greatest effect on the shrinkage rate, followed by the holding time, the second-stage injection plastic and the melt temperature. The range of four-stage injection rate and holding pressure was less, which had little effect on the shrinkage rate. The optimal process combination is that the melt temperature is 220 ℃, the holding pressure is 50 MPa, the holding time is 5 s, the first-stage injection rate is 30%, the second-stage injection rate is 40%, the third-stage injection rate is 85%, the fourth-stage injection rate is 50% and the five-stage injection rate is 20%. |
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