Spinning Forming Technology of Automobile Wheel Hub
中文关键词: 旋压成形  汽车轮毂  壁厚比值  摩擦因数  旋轮圆角半径  进给率  主轴转速
英文关键词: spinning forming  automobile wheel hub  wall thickness ratio  friction coefficient  wheel fillet radius  feed rate  spindle speed
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Yu-xia Henan Vocational College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Henan Xinzheng 451191, China 
SUN Hua-yu Henan Vocational College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Henan Xinzheng 451191, China 
FANG Lei Henan Vocational College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Henan Xinzheng 451191, China 
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      目的 优化汽车轮毂旋压成形过程中的工艺参数。方法 设计了四因素四水平正交试验,研究了摩擦因数、旋轮圆角半径、进给率、主轴转速对第1道次和第2道次试样壁厚比值的影响。结果 在第1道次中,进给率对壁厚比值影响最大,其次是摩擦因数、旋轮圆角半径,主轴转速对壁厚比值影响较小。在第2道次中,摩擦因数对壁厚比值影响最大,其次是主轴转速,最后为旋轮圆角半径和进给率。结论 第1道次最优工艺组合为A4B4C3D1,即摩擦因数为0.4,旋轮圆角半径为25 mm,进给率为0.7 mm/r,主轴转速为150 r/min;第2道次最优工艺组合为A2B2C4D3,即摩擦因数为0.2,旋轮圆角半径为8 mm,进给率为1.4 mm/r,主轴转速为210 r/min。所制备的轮毂在0°、90°、180°、270°等4个位置测得的屈服强度相近、抗拉强度也相近,屈服强度和抗拉强度的均值分别为213 MPa和263 MPa,说明所制备的轮毂在4个角度位置具有较优的力学性能均匀性。
      The work aims to optimize the technological parameters of automobile wheel hub during spinning forming. Four-factor and four-level orthogonal experiment was designed to study the effects of friction coefficient, wheel fillet radius, feed rate, and spindle speed on the wall thickness ratio of the first pass and the second pass. In the first pass, the feed rate range had the greatest effects on the wall thickness ratio, followed by the friction coefficient and the wheel fillet radius. The spindle speed range was the smallest, and had little effect on the wall thickness ratio. In the second pass, the friction coefficient had the greatest effects on the wall thickness ratio, followed by the spindle speed, and finally the wheel fillet radius and feed rate. The optimal process combination of the first pass is A4B4C3D1, that is, the friction coefficient is 0.4, the wheel fillet radius is 25 mm, the feed rate is 0.7 mm/r, and the spindle speed is 150 r/min. The optimal process combination of the second pass is A2B2C4D3, that is, the friction coefficient is 0.2, the wheel fillet radius is 8 mm, the feed rate is 1.4 mm/r, and the spindle speed is 210 r/min. The yield strength and tensile strength of the prepared hub measured at four positions of 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° are similar, respectively, and the mean values correspond to 213 MPa and 263 MPa, indicating that the prepared wheel hub has good mechanical performance uniformity at four positions.
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