Quality Analysis of Al5052 Aluminum Alloy Sheet with Flat Clinching
中文关键词: 铝合金板材  平底无铆连接  接头强度
英文关键词: aluminum alloy sheet  flat clinching  joint strength
Author NameAffiliation
HAN Hui-yan Financial Research Institute of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030006, China 
ZHAO Sheng-dun School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
WANG Yong-fei School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
CHEN Chao Light Alloy Research Institute, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
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      目的 研究底厚值对平底无铆连接强度的影响规律。方法 对2层Al5052铝合金板材进行平底无铆连接成形试验和连接强度检测试验,分析底厚值对接头抗拉强度、抗剪强度和接头失效形式的影响。结果 随着底厚值的减小,抗拉强度逐渐增大,抗剪强度逐渐减小。当底厚值为0.5 mm时,接头的连接强度最好,接头为混合失效。结论 合理控制底厚值可保证接头的连接强度,为平底无铆连接接头质量的现场评价提供依据。
      The work aims to study the effect law of the bottom thickness on the joint strength of the flat clinching. The flat clinching experiments and joint strength tests were carried out on two layers of Al5052 aluminum alloy sheet to analyze the effects of bottom thickness on the tensile strength, the shear strength and the joint failure form. As the bottom thickness decreased, the tensile strength gradually increased and the shear strength gradually decreased. When the bottom thickness value was 0.5 mm, the joint strength was the best, and the joint was failed with mixed failure. The joint strength can be guaranteed by reasonable control of bottom thickness, which provides a basis for the on-site evaluation of the quality of the flat clinching.
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