Mechanical Property Evolution Rules of AA5052 Aluminum Alloy Tube during Counter-roller Flow-forming Process
中文关键词: 铝合金  对轮强力旋压  力学性能  硬度  微观组织
英文关键词: aluminum alloy  counter-roller flow-forming  mechanical property  hardness  microstructure
Author NameAffiliation
ZHU Cheng-cheng School of Construction Machinery, Xi'an 710064, China 
LI Fan School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
ZHAO Sheng-dun School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
LI Shuai-peng China Securities Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710001, China 
DONG Yuan-zhe School of Construction Machinery, Xi'an 710064, China 
MENG De-an School of Automobile, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, China 
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      目的 研究AA5052铝合金筒体在对轮强力旋压工艺下的材料变形规律和性能演化机理。方法 以AA5052铝合金对轮强力旋压件为研究对象,通过单轴拉伸、硬度测试和金相观察等方法,获得材料强度、硬度和微观组织在对轮旋压过程中的变化规律。结果 对轮旋压后,AA5052铝合金材料的微观组织发生显著改变,材料各向异性明显,晶粒被拉长形成流线,筒壁内外侧的晶粒比心部晶粒变形大,筒体硬度随着对轮旋压减薄率的增加而增大,筒体内外侧硬度高、心部硬度低,差值达2.9HV,经对轮旋压后材料断裂强度提高了11.51%,而断裂伸长率减小了46.43%。结论 对轮强力旋压技术适于AA5052铝合金筒体加工,可显著改善材料力学性能,获得两侧强度高的薄壁筒体。
      The work aims to study the deformation mechanism and mechanical property evolution rules of the AA5052 aluminum alloy tube during counter-roller flow-forming process. With AA5052 aluminum alloy tube during the counter-roller flow-forming process as the object, the change rules of material strength, hardness, and microstructure were obtained through uniaxial elongation, hardness test, metallographic observation, etc. The microstructure of the AA5052 aluminum alloy changed obviously. The material had obvious anisotropy. The grains were elongated to form streamline. The inner and outer grains at the tube wall were deformed larger than the grain at the center. The hardness of the tube increased with the increase of the thinning ratio of counter-roller flow-forming process. The hardness at the outer part of the tube was high, and that at the center part was low. The difference value could be 2.9HV. The strength of the material increased by 11.51% after counter-roller flow-forming process, while the breaking elongation decreased by 46.43%. The counter-roller flow-forming process is suitable for processing of AA5052 aluminum alloy tube. It can increase the mechanical properties of material and obtain thin-walled tube of high strength at both sides.
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