Research Status of Scroll Forming Process for Hydrogen Circulating Pump
中文关键词: 涡旋盘  液态压铸  固态热锻  半固态成形
英文关键词: scroll  liquid die casting  solid hot forging  semi-solid forming
基金项目:航天先进制造技术研究联合基金重点项目(U1937203);国家自然科学基金青年项目(52105397);压缩机技术国家重点实验室(压缩机技术安徽省实验室)开放基金(SKL–YSJ202008);陕西省液压技术重点实验室开放基金(YYJS 2022KF06)
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Yong-fei School of Mechanical EngineeringXi'an 710049, China
State Key Laboratory of Compressor Technology Anhui Laboratory of Compressor Technology, Hefei 230031, China 
WU Yuan-gang Aerospace Propulsion Technology Research Institute, Xi'an 710100, China 
LIU Xiao-ming State Key Laboratory of Compressor Technology Anhui Laboratory of Compressor Technology, Hefei 230031, China 
SHU Yue State Key Laboratory of Compressor Technology Anhui Laboratory of Compressor Technology, Hefei 230031, China 
ZHAO Sheng-dun School of Mechanical EngineeringXi'an 710049, China 
GUO Yi School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
Hits: 1994
Download times: 1063
      Under the background of “carbon peak and carbon neutral”, the hydrogen and fuel cell vehicle industry has developed rapidly in China. As a typical multi-layer and thin-walled cup complex part, scroll is the core part for hydrogen circulating pump used in hydrogen fuel cell system, which has a very important effect on the performance of the hydrogen circulating system of fuel cell vehicle. The current forming processes for scroll at home and abroad were summarized, including numerical control milling, casting, liquid die casting, liquid forging, solid hot forging and powder metallurgy forming. The advantages and disadvantages of different forming processes were analyzed and discussed. Combined with the author’s research experience, a new semi-solid multi-directional extrusion forming process for four scroll parts in one die with the characteristics of “high efficiency and short process” was proposed, and the corresponding forming die was designed. Moreover, the die gate system suitable for the new process was introduced.
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