Improvement of Wrinkling and Cracking for Stepped Box Parts
中文关键词: 台阶盒形件  拉深  起皱  开裂  压边力  板料形状
英文关键词: stepped box  deep drawing  wrinkling  cracking  blank holder force  blank shape
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Cheng School of Metallurgical Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055, China 
CHEN Lin School of Metallurgical Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055, China 
PENG Ying-jiao School of Metallurgical Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055, China 
WANG Rui-jing School of Metallurgical Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055, China 
XIE Xiao-dong Guangdong Hehe Construction Hardware Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Guangdong Foshan 528100, China 
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      目的 改善台阶盒形件拉深成形时凸缘区起皱和圆角区开裂的缺陷。方法 理论分析了起皱和开裂产生的原因,利用有限元模拟分析了压边力大小、凹模运行方式和板料形状对台阶盒形件拉深成形的影响,采用实验验证了有限元模拟结果的准确性。结果 长方形板料拉深成形时,4个角部相比直边部位流动阻力更大,直边部位材料过度向模具型腔内流动,造成凸缘区周向压应力过大,进而引起起皱,当零件拉深深度较大时,圆角部位材料变形剧烈且材料流动不均匀,极易产生开裂;采用20 kN的压边力、梯形的凹模向下运行方式和类椭圆形板料的工艺参数可以控制材料流动,使板料变形均匀并改善凸缘区起皱和圆角区开裂缺陷。结论 有限元模拟可为冲裁工艺参数的选取提供理论指导。
      The paper aims to improve the defects of wrinkle in flange area and cracking in fillet area during deep drawing of stepped box parts. The causes of wrinkling and cracking are analyzed theoretically. The effects of blank holder force, die movement mode and sheet shape on the deep drawing of stepped box parts are analyzed by finite element simulation. The accuracy of the finite element simulation results is verified by experiments. During the deep drawing of rectangular sheet metal, the flow resistance of the four corners is greater than that of the straight edge. The material at the straight edge flows excessively into the mold cavity, resulting in excessive circumferential compressive stress in the flange area and wrinkling. When the deep drawing depth of the part is large, the material at the fillet is deformed violently and the material flow is uneven, which can easily lead to cracking. The blank holder force of 20 kN, the trapezoidal speed movement mode of die and the process parameters of oval like sheet can control the material flow, make the sheet deformation uniform, and improve the wrinkling in the flange area and the cracking in the fillet area. Finite element simulation can provide theoretical guidance for the selection of blanking experimental parameters.
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