Effect of Interpass Temperature on Forming Quality of H13 Steel by Wire and Arc Additive Manufacture
中文关键词: 电弧增材制造  丝材  层间温度  单道多层
英文关键词: arc additive manufacture  wire  interpass temperature  single pass multilayer
Author NameAffiliation
JIANG Shu-xin School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hubei University of Automotive Technology, Hubei Shiyan 442002, China 
LI Feng-guang School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hubei University of Automotive Technology, Hubei Shiyan 442002, China 
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      目的 为获得外观形貌好、成形质量优的单道多层成形件,研究最佳的层间温度。方法 在调质处理后的H13钢基板上,根据已确定的工艺参数分别在50、100、150、200 ℃这4种层间温度下沉积20层。通过宏观形貌、微观组织和抗拉强度测试,分析层间温度对单道多层成形件的形貌及成形质量的影响。结果 层间温度为100、150、200 ℃时,成形件顶层平滑,侧面成形较规则。不同层间温度下成形件平均高度的最大值与最小值之差仅为0.55 mm。层间温度为200 ℃时相邻2层沉积层间冷却时间最短,沉积20层总耗时最短,为44.57 min。层间温度大于100 ℃时,抗拉强度大于1 200 MPa。结论 在H13钢基板上进行丝材电弧增材制造时,控制层间温度在150~200 ℃能够得到外观形貌好、成形质量优良的成形件。
      The paper aims to obtain single pass multilayers forming parts with good appearance and forming quality and determine the interpass temperature. Twenty layers were deposited on the H13 steel substrate after quenching and tempering at four interpass temperatures of 50, 100, 150, 200 ℃ according to the determined process parameters. The effects of interpass temperature on the morphology and forming quality were analyzed by testing the macroscopic morphology, microstructure and tensile strength. When the interpass temperature was 100, 150, 200 ℃, the top layer was smooth and the side forming was regular. The difference between the maximum and minimum values of the average height of the forming parts at different temperatures was only 0.55 mm. When the interpass temperature was 200 ℃, the cooling time between the two adjacent deposition layers was the shortest, and the total deposition time of 20 layers was the shortest, which took 44.57 min. When the interpass temperature was greater than 100 ℃, the tensile strength was greater than 1 200 MPa. When WAAM is carried out on H13 steel substrate, the forming parts with good appearance and quality can be obtained by controlling the temperature between 150 ℃ and 200 ℃.
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