β-forged Tubular Part of TC17 Alloy Produced via Near-isothermal Extrusion Process
中文关键词: TC17合金  β锻  管形件  近等温挤压
英文关键词: TC17 alloy  β forging  tubular part  near-isothermal extrusion
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Ming Guizhou Anda Aviation Forging Co., Ltd., Guizhou Anshun 561005, China 
YE Jun-qing Guizhou Anda Aviation Forging Co., Ltd., Guizhou Anshun 561005, China 
ZENG Wei-dong School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China 
LEI Lin-ping Guizhou Anda Aviation Forging Co., Ltd., Guizhou Anshun 561005, China 
ZHAO Zi-bo Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China 
HUANG Chang-xun Guizhou Anda Aviation Forging Co., Ltd., Guizhou Anshun 561005, China 
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      目的 研究β锻管形件近等温挤压成形工艺对TC17合金显微组织和力学性能的影响。方法 采用DEFORM–3D软件模拟分析了实心挤压和空心挤压成形TC17合金管形件的变形特征,模拟分析2种挤压方式成形下TC17合金管形件在固溶处理过程中的冷却效果。对空心挤压成形的锻件进行金相组织表征和力学性能测试。结果 模拟结果表明,相较于实心挤压的方式,空心挤压方案整体应变较大、变形均匀、材料利用率高、固溶冷速较快且均匀性较好。试验结果表明,空心挤压成形的锻件质量良好,整体的宏观/微观组织均匀,室温拉伸性能和断裂韧性一致性好,且满足相关指标要求。结论 空心挤压方案满足该管形锻件研制要求,研究结果可以为类似管形件制备提供依据。
      The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of near-isothermal extrusion forming process on the microstructure and mechanical properties of TC17 β-forged tubular part. Two extrusion strategies including solid extrusion and hollow extrusion are employed in this work. The deformation characteristics of TC17 alloy tubular parts produced by solid extrusion and hollow extrusion are analyzed and the cooling effect of TC17 alloy tubular parts during solution treatment is studied with the DEFORM-3D simulation software. The simulation results show that the tubular part produced by the hollow extrusion has larger overall strain, more uniform deformation, higher material utilization rate, faster solution cooling rate and better overall cooling uniformity compared with that produced by the solid extrusion. The experimental results show that the forging of hollow extrusion has better forming quality. The overall macro/microstructure, tensile properties and fracture toughness of tubular part present better uniform, meeting the standard requirements. In summary, the β-forged tubular parts produced by hollow extrusion can meet the development requirements, and the research results provide a basis for the preparation of similar tubular forgings.
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