增材制造多孔金属生物材料研究综述 |
Additively Manufactured Porous Metallic Biomaterials |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2022.05.018 |
中文关键词: 增材制造 生物惰性金属 生物降解性材料 拓扑设计 表面改性 |
英文关键词: additive manufacturing bioinert material biodegradable material topology design surface modification |
基金项目:江苏省六大人才高峰(XCL-117) |
Author Name | Affiliation | LIU Hao | School of Materials, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Zhenjiang 212003, China | CHEN Liang-yu | School of Materials, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Zhenjiang 212003, China | ZHANG Hong-yue | School of Materials, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Zhenjiang 212003, China | LI Nan | School of Materials, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Zhenjiang 212003, China |
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中文摘要: |
增材制造的多孔金属生物材料广泛应用于植入物骨骼等生物医用工业领域,具有很大的发展潜力,目前,对多孔金属生物材料的研究主要聚焦在多孔生物材料的设计、制造与表面处理等方面。对比了不同增材制造技术的特点,并说明了粉床熔融技术最适合多孔金属生物材料的制造。同时,讨论了不同金属生物材料(生物惰性材料与降解材料)制造多孔生物材料的利弊,包括束基单元设计、面基单元设计和梯度设计,并简要说明了孔隙对材料性能的影响,合适的热处理与表面改性技术会提高材料的力学性能和生物相容性。在未来的研究中,TPMS结构与分级设计将会作为研究的重点。生物降解材料也需要大量研发。为了达到增强多孔金属生物材料力学性能与生物相容性的要求,未来的研究方向可以从研发新型合金体系与设计表面改性方法等方面着手。 |
英文摘要: |
Biomedical porous metallic materials manufactured by the additive manufacturing technologies have great potentials and are widely used for implant bones and other industrial sectors. For the investigation of biomedical porous metallic materials, it mainly focuses on the design, manufacturing and surface modification of biomaterial porous materials. This review compares the characteristics of different additive manufacturing technologies and illustrates that the powder bed fusion is most suitable technology for the manufacture of biomedical porous metallic materials. The advantages and disadvantages of different metallic biomaterials (bioinert and biodegradable materials) are discussed, including beam-based unit design, sheet-based unit design, and gradient design, and briefly explained the influence of pores on the properties of materials. Moreover, suitable heat treatment and surface modification technologies increase the mechanical properties and biocompatibility of materials. In the future research, TPMS structure and hierarchical design will be the focus of the research. Biodegradable materials also require a lot of research and development. In order to enhance the mechanical properties and biocompatibility of porous metallic biomaterials, the future research direction can start from the development of new alloy systems and design of surface modification methods. |
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