Weldpool Fluid Behavior of Plasma Arc Welding+Cable-wire Pulsed GMAW Hybrid Welding
中文关键词: 脉冲电流  复合焊  数值分析  缆式焊丝
英文关键词: pulse current  the hybrid welding  numerical analysis  cable type welding wire
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Chao Jiangsu Vocational College of Urban and Rural Construction, Jiangsu Changzhou 213147, China 
HU Qing-xian Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Zhenjiang 212003, China 
MIAO Jun-yan Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Zhenjiang 212003, China 
WANG Xiao-li Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Zhenjiang 212003, China 
SONG Yang Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Zhenjiang 212003, China 
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      目的 研究等离子+缆式焊丝脉冲GMAW复合焊过程的熔池流体行为。方法 综合考虑传热学以及流体动力学,建立Fluent数值分析模型。使用双椭球–锥体热源模型代表等离子弧焊传热模型,用双椭球热源表征GMAW电弧传热并考虑熔滴传热,同时考虑熔池受到的电磁力、浮力、表面张力、等离子流力等作用力。基于Fluent软件,对复合焊过程中熔池的温度场和流场进行研究,模拟脉冲电流为150 A时复合焊熔池的流体行为,并进行实验验证对比。结果 在固定等离子焊接电流为100 A、焊接速度为30 cm/min、GMAW脉冲平均电流为150 A时,模拟显示熔池的熔宽为10.57 mm、熔深为2.58 mm、余高为3.66 mm,模拟结果与实验结果吻合良好。结论 建立的GMAW复合焊数值模型能够有效指导该焊接过程。
      The molten pool fluid behavior of the plasma+cable wire pulsed GMAW hybrid welding process was studied. Heat transfer and fluid dynamics are considered comprehensively, and a fluent numerical analysis model was established. The double ellipsoid cone heat source model was used to represent the heat transfer model of plasma arc welding. The double ellipsoid heat source was used to characterize the heat transfer of GMAW arc and the heat transfer of droplet is considered. The electromagnetic force, buoyancy, surface tension, plasma flow force and other forces on the weld pool are considered. Based on FLUENT software, the temperature field and flow field of the weld pool in the process of hybrid welding were studied, and the fluid behavior of the weld pool was simulated when the pulse current is 150 A, and verified and compared by experimental. The results show that fixed plasma welding current is 100 A, welding speed is 30 cm/min, and adjusted GMAW pulse average current is 150 A. It is found that the simulation results show that the melting width is 10.57 mm; The penetration is 2.58 mm; The reinforcement is 3.66 mm; The simulation results based on the numerical model are in good agreement with the experimental results. It shows that the GMAW composite welding numerical model established in this paper can effectively guide the welding process.
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