Finite Element Analysis of Precision Crimping Forming of Aluminum Conductors Steel Reinforced (ACSR) for Transmission Line
中文关键词: 钢芯铝绞线  有限元压接模型  精密压接  断裂
英文关键词: aluminum conductors steel reinforced (ACSR)  finite element crimping model  precise crimping  fracture
Author NameAffiliation
LYU Dong-ze School of Resources, Environment and Materials, Nanning 530004, China 
LUO Wen-jie School of Resources, Environment and Materials, Nanning 530004, China 
XIONG Jie School of Resources, Environment and Materials, Nanning 530004, China 
ZHANG Sheng-hua School of Resources, Environment and Materials, Nanning 530004, China
Guangxi Key Laboratory of Processing for Non-ferrous Metals and Featured Materials, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China 
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      目的 针对钢芯铝绞线在压接过程中出现断裂的现象,对其压接工艺进行探究,优化现有压接工艺,制定更精密的压接方法,防止断裂缺陷的产生。方法 利用ABAQUS有限元模拟软件,以弹塑性变形理论为基础,采用等效摩擦力的方法建立有限元压接模型,通过实验验证模型的精确性,并计算在不同压接长度、压接次数下钢芯铝绞线的塑性变形量。结果 国标压接时钢芯最大应变为3.215%,钢芯不会发生断裂;压接长度增加导致钢芯应变增大至4.962%,钢芯存在断裂的风险;压接次数的增加可使钢芯应变降低至1.665%。铝管压接长度增大时,变形堆积严重导致钢芯应变增大。增加压接次数可使单次压接时绞线变形体积减小,使钢芯应变减小。结论 在铝管压接长度过长时,可通过增加压接次数的方法减少钢芯的塑性应变,从而达到防止钢芯断裂的目的。
      In view of the fracture phenomenon of the ACSR in the crimping process, the crimping process is explored, the existing crimping process is optimized, and a more precise crimping method is formulated to prevent the occurrence of fracture defects. Using ABAQUS finite element simulation software, based on the elastic-plastic deformation theory, the finite element crimping model was established by the method of equivalent friction force, the accuracy of the model is verified by experiments, and the plastic deformation of the ACSR under different crimping lengths and crimping times is calculated. The results show that the maximum strain of steel core during national standard crimping is 3.215%, and the steel core will not break; the increase of crimping length leads to the increase of steel core strain to 4.962%, and the steel core has the risk of fracture; the increase of crimping times can reduce the strain of steel core to 1.665%. When the crimping length of the aluminum pipe increases, the serious deformation accumulation leads to the increase of steel core strain. Increasing the number of crimping times can reduce the deformation volume of the stranded conductor and the strain of the steel core. Therefore, when the crimping length of aluminum pipe is too long, the plastic strain of steel core can be reduced by increasing the crimping times, so as to prevent the fracture of steel core.
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