Preparation of High Conductivity Cu/Al Bimetallic Composite by Thermal Diffusion and Regulation of Interfacial Microstructure and Properties
中文关键词: 热压烧结  Cu/Al双金属复层材料  界面微观结构  三点抗弯  电导率
英文关键词: hot pressing sintering  Cu/Al bimetallic composite  interface microstructure  three point bending  conductivity
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Yu School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030000, China 
WANG Yan-kun School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030000, China 
LI Jin-long School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030000, China 
PENG Xiang-fei School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030000, China 
XU Hong School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030000, China 
LIU Bin School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030000, China 
BAI Pei-kang School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030000, China 
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      目的 采用热扩散方法制备Cu/Al双金属复层材料,研究热扩散下界面生成的物相种类及工艺参数对界面物相厚度的影响,以期获得兼具力学性能和良好导电性的Cu/Al双金属复层材料。方法 在温度区间为550~570 ℃、压力为28 MPa和保温扩散时间为20~40 min的工艺条件下,用真空热压烧结炉对1 mm厚的Al箔和7.68 mm的铜板进行热压烧结,利用金相显微镜、扫描电镜、能谱仪、X射线衍射仪、维氏硬度计、万能试验机和高精度万用表对反应界面的宏观形貌、显微组织、力学性能以及导电性能进行研究。结果 Cu/Al扩散反应后界面处生成的金属间化合物从铝侧到铜侧依次为:CuAl2、CuAl、Cu3Al2、Cu9Al4相,随着扩散温度的提高和保温时间的增长,金属间化合物的各成分含量会有所增加。当热压温度为560 ℃、保温时间30 min时,可生成界面结合良好、综合性能优异的试样(抗弯强度为360 MPa,电导率为55.28 MS/m)。结论 通过优化热压烧结工艺,可制备出界面结合良好且综合性能更优异的Cu/Al双金属复层材料。
      Cu/Al bimetallic clad materials were prepared by thermal diffusion method. The effects of phase types and process parameters on the thickness of interface phase were studied in order to obtain Cu/Al bimetallic clad materials with both mechanical properties and good conductivity. Under the process conditions of temperature range of 550-570 ℃, pressure of 28 MPa and holding diffusion time of 20-40 min, 1 mm thick Al foil and 7.68 mm copper plate were sintered by vacuum hot pressing sintering furnace. The macro morphology, microstructure and Mechanical properties and electrical conductivity were studied. After the Cu/Al diffusion reaction, intermetallic compounds are formed at the interface, which are CuAl2, CuAl, Cu3Al2 and Cu9Al4 phases from aluminum side to copper side. With the increase of diffusion temperature and holding time, the content of intermetallic compounds will increase. When the hot pressing temperature is 560 ℃ and the holding time is 30 min, samples with good interface bonding and excellent comprehensive properties (flexural strength 360 MPa, conductivity 55.28 MS/m) can be generated. Cu/Al bimetallic composite with good interface bonding and better comprehensive properties can be prepared by optimizing the hot pressing sintering process.
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