Heat Treatment Parameters on Plastic Formability of Aluminum Alloy
中文关键词: 高温条件  铝合金  塑性成形  单向拉伸试验  金相试验  应力‒应变
英文关键词: high temperature condition  aluminium alloy  plastic forming  uniaxial tensile test  metallographic test  stress strain relationship
Author NameAffiliation
FENG Chao Taizhou Vocational College of Science and Technology, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Mould Engineering, Zhejiang Taizhou 318020, China 
XU Jia-liang Taizhou Vocational College of Science and Technology, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Mould Engineering, Zhejiang Taizhou 318020, China 
LIU Er-qiang College of Applied Sciences, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
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      目的 研究温度升高对铝合金塑性成形性能的影响,分析高温条件下铝合金塑性成形性能。方法 搭建铝合金试样试验装置并控制相应温度,对铝合金进行单向拉伸试验和金相试验,记录铝合金的变形温度,分析其塑性成形性能。采集铝合金试验数据后,引用Zener–Hollomon参数模型,设置试验流程以及参数,设置不同数值的高温条件。结果 当变形温度大于250 ℃时,铝合金的伸长率大于100%。当变形温度为150~250 ℃时,5A02铝合金的真实应力–应变变化过程属于动态恢复型,而当变形温度大于250 ℃时,流变应力过程存在明显的软化现象。结论 在形变处理过程中,铝合金试样延伸过程产生了弹性变形、塑性变形、裂纹萌生扩展过程,铝合金在高温条件下变形时,应变速率和变形温度对伸长率的影响较大。
      In order to study the effect of temperature increase on the plastic forming performance of aluminum alloy, the plastic forming performance of aluminum alloy under high temperature conditions is analyzed. An aluminum alloy experimental device is prepared, a high-temperature alloy treatment environment is set up, the uniaxial tensile test and metallographic test on the aluminum alloy are conducted, the deformation temperature of the aluminum alloy is recorded, and the plastic formability of the aluminum alloy is analyzed. After collecting aluminum alloy test data, reference the Zener-Hollomon parameter model, set the test process and parameters, and set high temperature conditions with different values. When the deformation temperature is greater than 250 ℃, the elongation of aluminum alloy is greater than 100%. When the deformation temperature is 150-250 ℃, the true stress-strain change process of 5A02 aluminum alloy belongs to the dynamic recovery type, and when the deformation temperature is greater than 250 ℃, the flow stress process has an obvious softening phenomenon. During the deformation treatment of aluminum alloy specimens, the extension process of aluminum alloy specimens produces elastic deformation, plastic deformation, and crack initiation and propagation processes. When the aluminum alloy is deformed under high temperature conditions, the strain rate and deformation temperature have a greater effect on the elongation rate.
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