Forming Quality and Parameters Optimization for Hot Power Spinning of Magnesium Alloy Cylindrical Parts with Inner Ribs
中文关键词: ZK61镁合金  带内筋筒形件  正交试验  热强旋  灰色关联度
英文关键词: ZK61 magnesium alloy  cylindrical parts with inner ribs  orthogonal test  hot power spinning  grey relational degree
Author NameAffiliation
XIA Qin-xiang School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China 
JIANG Peng School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China 
XIAO Gang-feng School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China 
CHENG Xiu-quan Department of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, Guangzhou Civil Aviation College, Guangzhou 510403, China 
LONG Jin-chuan School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China 
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      目的 探明镁合金带内筋筒形件热强旋成形质量影响因素间的相互作用,并获得优化后的内筋数量及工艺参数。方法 设计了五因素、三水平正交试验方案,开展了灰色关联度分析及极差分析,研究了内筋数量及工艺参数对旋压件直线度、圆度、筋背凹陷率、内筋饱和度、筋高不均匀度等成形质量指标影响的主次顺序,获得了最优的参数组合。结果 各参数对旋压件成形质量的综合影响主次顺序为:内筋个数N>管坯壁厚t0>减薄率ψt>成形温度T>进给比f,最优的参数组合为N=12、t0=8 mm、ψt=70%、T=350 ℃、f=0.4 mm/r。结论 通过在最优的参数组合下开展热强旋试验,可制备出质量合格的镁合金带内筋筒形件。
      This work aims to explore the interaction among influence factors of forming quality for hot power spinning of magnesium alloy cylindrical parts with inner ribs (CPIRs), and obtain the optimized inner rib number and processing parameters. A five-factor, three-level orthogonal test scheme was designed, the grey correlation analysis and range analysis were conducted, the influence of inner rib number and processing parameters on the forming quality indexes, such as straightness, roundness, concave ratio of the back of rib, saturation degree of inner ribs and inhomogeneity degree of inner ribs, the optimal parameter combination was obtained. The results show that the primary and secondary order of the comprehensive influence of various parameters on the forming quality of spun workpiece is:number of inner ribs N > wall thickness of cylindrical blank t0> thinning rate of wall thickness ψt > forming temperature T> roller feed rate f, and the optimal parameters combination is:N=12, t0=8 mm, ψt=70%, T=350 ℃, f=0.4 mm/r. Under the optimal parameters combination, the magnesium alloy CPIRs with qualified forming quality can be prepared by hot power spinning.
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