TC1钛合金板材热加工性能研究 |
Hot Workability of TC1 Titanium Alloy Sheet |
Received:August 02, 2021 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2022.04.019 |
中文关键词: TC1钛合金板材 热塑性变形 本构模型 热加工图 |
英文关键词: TC1 titanium alloy sheet thermoplastic deformation constitutive model hot working map |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51975031) |
Author Name | Affiliation | ZHU Li | Research Institution of Technology, Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, Shenyang 110850, China | KONG Rong | School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China | WU Wei-ping | Research Institution of Technology, Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, Shenyang 110850, China | CHEN Xin-hua | Research Institution of Technology, Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, Shenyang 110850, China | HE Xiao-jian | Research Institution of Technology, Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, Shenyang 110850, China | MENG Bao | School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China |
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中文摘要: |
目的 研究新一代飞机用TC1钛合金板材在不同温度和应变速率下的热塑性变形行为,进行热变形本构建模,构建热加工图。方法 在Gleeble-3500热模拟试验机上开展TC1钛合金板材在温度为500~650 ℃、应变速率为0.01~0.000 1 s−1条件下的等温恒应变速率单向拉伸试验,利用应变补偿的双曲正弦模型进行热变形本构拟合,绘制热加工图。结果 在同一温度下,TC1钛合金的流动应力随应变速率的减小而降低,但伸长率增加,最大断裂应变增大;变形温度在500 ℃时,加工硬化占据主导地位,随着温度升高至550、600、650 ℃,硬化阶段变短,应力达到峰值后很快下降,发生软化,此时热软化占主要地位。结论 建立的应变补偿的双曲正弦本构模型能够有效描述TC1钛合金板材在不同温度和应变速率条件下的热塑性变形行为;根据建立的TC1钛合金板材热加工图,可以确定其热加工工艺窗口为600~650 ℃、0.000 1~0.001 s−1,为TC1钛合金板的热加工提供科学指导。 |
英文摘要: |
The work aims to study the thermoplastic deformation behavior of TC1 titanium alloy sheet for new generation aircraft at different temperature and strain rates, and establish the hot deformation constitutive model and hot working map. The isothermal uniaxial tensile test of constant strain rate was carried out on the TC1 titanium alloy sheet by Gleeble-3500 thermal simulator at temperature of 500~650 ℃ and strain rate of 0.01~0.000 1 s−1. The strain compensated hyperbolic sinusoidal model was used to fit the hot deformation constitutive model, and draw the hot working map. The flow stress of TC1 titanium alloy sheet decreased with the decrease of strain rate at the same temperature, but the elongation increased and the maximum breaking strain increased. When the deformation temperature was 500 ℃, the work hardening was dominant. With the increase of temperature to 550, 600 and 650 ℃, the hardening stage became shorter, and the stress reached the peak value and then dropped quickly, resulting in softening. At this time, hot softening was dominant. The established strain compensated hyperbolic sinusoidal model can effectively describe the thermoplastic deformation behavior of TC1 titanium alloy sheet at different temperature and strain rates. According to the established hot working map of TC1 titanium alloy sheet, the hot working process window can be determined as 600~650 ℃ and 0.000 1~0.001 s–1, which provides scientific guidance for the hot working of TC1 titanium alloy sheet. |
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