Optimization Modeling of Warpage Deformation of Injection Molded Products
Received:June 04, 2021  
中文关键词: Moldflow  注塑  成型  制品  翘曲变形
英文关键词: Moldflow  injection molding  forming  products  warpage deformation
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Yong-gang Zhengzhou Electric Power Technology College, Zhengzhou 451450, China 
Hits: 1772
Download times: 961
      目的 针对传统建模方法在预测的翘曲变形位置与实际偏差较大的问题,开展基于Moldflow的注塑成型制品翘曲变形优化建模分析研究。方法 通过数据模拟分析预处理、浇注体系模型构建、基于Moldflow的注塑成型制品翘曲变形过程模拟等手段,实现对注塑成型制品曲面参数优化。结果 通过对比实验证明,新的建模方法与传统建模方法相比预测翘曲变形位置偏差更小,预测结果更准确。结论 在实际应用中,该建模方法能够辅助塑件加工厂提升注塑成型制品生产质量。
      The work aims to solve the problem of large deviation between the predicted warpage position and the actual warpage position of traditional modeling methods. Warpage optimization modeling analysis of injection molded products was carried out based on Moldflow. The surface parameters of injection molded products were optimized by data simulation and pretreatment, casting system model construction and warpage process simulation based on Moldflow. Compared with the traditional modeling method, the new modeling method had smaller deviation and more accurate prediction results. In practical application, the modeling method can assist plastic parts processing plants to improve the production quality of injection molded products.
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