Effect of Natural Aging and Work Hardening on Microstructure and Performance of Shared Bicycle Wheels
Received:October 13, 2021  
中文关键词: AM60镁合金  显微组织  力学性能  阻尼性能
英文关键词: AM60 magnesium alloy  microstructure  mechanical properties  damping performance
Author NameAffiliation
LI Nan-ting School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China 
LU Ruo-peng School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China 
ZHAO Yu-hong School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China 
YAN Xi School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China 
CUI Yun-bo Taiyuan Kangmei Technology Development Co., Ltd., Taiyuan 030400, China 
HOU Hua School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China 
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      目的 以不同工作状态下AM60B镁合金压铸成形的共享单车轮毂为研究对象,探讨镁合金作为自行车轮毂材料的实际应用特性。方法 选取直接压铸的镁合金轮毂A,放置4年的轮毂B以及通过疲劳试验模拟高强度使用后的轮毂C为研究对象,对不同状态下压铸镁合金轮毂的微观组织、力学性能与阻尼性能进行研究。结果 轮毂A抗拉强度为215 MPa,屈服强度为97 MPa,伸长率为17.86%;轮毂B中微观组织几乎无变化,但塑性出现一定下降,其阻尼性能最佳;轮毂C拥有更好的强度及塑性,阻尼性能有所改善。结论 轮毂B塑性的下降与阻尼的提升可能与固溶原子的扩散有关。轮毂C出现了加工硬化的现象,局部存在混晶组织,这是其性能增强的原因所在。
      The work aims to study the shared bicycle wheels of die-casting AM60B magnesium alloys under different working conditions to explore the practical application characteristics of Mg-alloy as bicycle wheels. The wheel A of die-casting magnesium alloy, the wheel B placed for four years, and the wheel C used in high intensity simulated by fatigue test were selected as the research objects to study the microstructure, mechanical properties and damping properties of die-casting alloy under different states. The tensile strength of the wheel A was 215 MPa, yield strength was 97 MPa, and elongation was 17.86%. The microstructure of wheel B had almost no change, but the plasticity declined to some extent, and the damping performance was the best. After fatigue test, wheel C had better strength and plasticity, and the damping performance was improved. The decrease in plasticity of the wheel B and the increase in damping performance may be related to the diffusion of solid solution atoms. The wheel C has a work hardening phenomenon, with a mixed crystal structure locally, which is the reason for the enhanced performance.
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