Electromagnetic Flanging Forming Effect of Bidirectional Loading Tube Fittings Based on Magnetic Field Shaper
Received:September 09, 2021  
中文关键词: 管件电磁翻边  磁场变换器  双向加载  翻边角度  驱动线圈
英文关键词: electromagnetic flanging of tube fittings  magnetic field shaper  bidirectional loading  flanging angle  driving coil
Author NameAffiliation
QIU Li College of Electrical Engineering and New Energy
Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Operation and Control of Cascade Hydropower Stations, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China 
TIAN Xi College of Electrical Engineering and New Energy
Changsha Power Supply Branch, State Grid Hunan Electric Power Company, Changsha 410015, China 
WU Wei-ye College of Electrical Engineering and New Energy 
WANG Cheng-lin College of Electrical Engineering and New Energy
Materials Branch of State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company, Chongqing 401121, China 
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      目的 针对传统管件电磁翻边时,仅采用径向电磁力加载,翻边效果不够理想的问题,提出基于磁场变换器的双向加载式管件电磁翻边技术。方法 使用COMSOL软件构造二维轴对称分析模型,分析线圈参数的改变对径向、轴向电磁力和管件翻边效果的影响。在此基础上,进一步在电磁力、变形速率、管件变形轮廓3个方面将新型加载方式与传统管件电磁翻边技术进行对比。结果 在传统管件电磁翻边中,管件翻边角度只能达到45°,而径、轴向电磁力的双向加载方式使最大翻边角度增加至90°。结论 这一新型加载方式能够实现预期效果,促进管件电磁翻边在工业领域的发展。
      The work aims to propose a bidirectionally loaded electromagnetic flanging technology for tube fittings based on magnetic field shaper to solve the problem of non-ideal flanging effect due to the only loading of radial electromagnetic force during traditional electromagnetic flanging of tube fittings. A two-dimensional axial symmetry analysis model was established by COMSOL and the effects of coil structure parameters on radial and axial electromagnetic force distribution and tube flanging effect were studied. On this basis, the new loading method was compared with the traditional electromagnetic flanging of tube fittings from electromagnetic force, deformation rate and shape. The results showed that in the traditional electromagnetic flanging of tube fittings, the flanging angle can only reach 45°, while the maximum flanging angle was increased to 90° by the bidirectional loading method of radial-axial electromagnetic force. Obviously, this new loading method can achieve the expected effect and promote the development of electromagnetic flanging of tube fittings in the industrial field.
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