Simulation and Experimental Study of Bone Scaffolds with Different Pore Structures Formed by SLM
Received:July 02, 2021  
中文关键词: 选择性激光熔化  多孔支架  有限元模拟  孔隙率
英文关键词: selective laser melting  porous scaffold  finite element simulation  porosity
Author NameAffiliation
SUN Hai-bo School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China 
XU Shu-bo School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China 
ZHANG Sen School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China 
LI Yang School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China 
REN Guo-cheng School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China 
JING Cai-nian School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China 
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      目的 确定多孔骨骼支架的最佳结构及孔隙率。方法 建立不同孔隙率、不同结构的18个多孔支架模型,通过有限元对多孔支架分别进行应力、应变模拟分析,通过选择性激光熔化(SLM)技术制备A,B,C这3种不同结构、孔隙率范围相近(65%~90%)、支架直径相同(300 μm)的多孔316L支架。通过压缩试验、微观组织分析、X射线衍射试验(XRD)对不同多孔支架进行表面微观组织分析及力学性能研究。通过有限元模拟获得适用于人体皮质骨及松质骨的不同多孔支架结构及孔隙率。结果 A类结构孔隙率为90%的多孔骨骼支架弹性模量为7.5 GPa,抗压强度为11.62 MPa,与人体松质骨相吻合;B类结构孔隙率为80%的多孔骨骼支架弹性模量为18.9 GPa,抗压强度为127.01 MPa,与皮质骨相吻合。结论 通过模拟及试验,确定了适用于不同骨骼部位的最佳结构及孔隙率,并且多孔结构有利于营养物质及血液的运输,保证了骨骼替代物的生物力学性能,有助于患者的康复。
      The work aims to determine the optimal structure and porosity of the porous bone scaffold.18 porous scaffold models with different porosities and structures were established and the stress and strain of porous scaffolds were simulated and analyzed by finite element method. 316L porous scaffolds with the different structures of A, B and C, the similar porosities (65% ~ 90%) and the same scaffold diameter (300 μm) were prepared by selective laser melting (SLM). The surface microstructure and mechanical properties of different porous scaffolds were studied by compression test, microstructure analysis and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The structure and porosity of different porous scaffolds for human cortical and cancellous bone were obtained by finite element simulation. The elastic modulus and compressive strength of the porous bone scaffold with structure A and porosity of 90% were 7.5 GPa and 11.62 MPa, which were consistent with human cancellous bone, and the elastic modulus and compressive strength of the porous bone scaffold with structure B and porosity of 80% were 18.9 GPa and 127.01 MPa, which were consistent with cortical bone.Through simulation and experiment, the optimal structure and porosity suitable for different bone parts have been determined, and the porous structure is conducive to the transport of nutrients and blood, ensuring the biomechanical properties of bone substitutes, which is conducive to the recovery of patients.
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