Plastic Deformation Properties and Forging Process of Al-Cu-Mg-Zn Ultra-Hard Aluminium Alloy Disc-Shaped Component
Received:July 12, 2021  
中文关键词: 超硬铝合金  压缩实验  锻造成形  热加工图  盘类构件
英文关键词: ultra-hard aluminum alloy  compression test  forging  processing map  disc-shaped component
Author NameAffiliation
DU Chong Hunan Vanguard Group Co., Ltd., Changsha 410100, China 
WANG Ze-fei Chongqing Key Laboratory of Advanced Mold Intelligent Manufacturing, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China 
MENG Yi Chongqing Key Laboratory of Advanced Mold Intelligent Manufacturing, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China 
YANG Xin-quan Hunan Vanguard Group Co., Ltd., Changsha 410100, China 
WANG Shi Hunan Vanguard Group Co., Ltd., Changsha 410100, China 
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      目的 为了有效改善Al-Cu-Mg-Zn超硬铝合金盘类锻造构件成形精度和力学性能。方法 通过对代号7A04的Al-Cu-Mg-Zn系超硬铝合金进行热压缩实验,分析其流变行为;通过应力-应变数据,建立本构方程及热加工图。将构建的7A04超硬铝合金材料模型导入有限元分析软件中,同时对锻件成形过程进行仿真模拟并优化。结果 获得了基于Arrhenius模型的流变应力本构方程;确定了7A04超硬铝合金最适宜的加工区域,为后续的仿真模拟提供指导;基于7A04超硬铝合金盘类构件锻造成形有限元仿真模拟分析结果,获得了变形均匀锻件的最优方案。结论 通过全尺寸锻造生产实验对模拟分析结果进行验证,获得了变形均匀且无锻造工艺缺陷的7A04超硬铝合金盘类构件。
      The work aims to effectively improve the geometric accuracy and mechanical properties of forged Al-Cu-Mg-Zn ultra-hard aluminum alloy disc-shaped component. The rheological behaviors of Al-Cu-Mg-Zn ultra-hard aluminum alloy named 7A04 were investigated by hot compression tests. The constitutive equation and processing maps were established according to stress-strain data. The established 7A04 ultra-hard aluminum alloy model was imported into simulation analysis software, and the forging process was simulated and optimized.The rheological stress-based equations based on the Arrhenius model were obtained and the most suitable processing area of 7A04 ultra-hard aluminum alloy was determined, which provided accurate guidance for subsequent simulation. According to the finite element simulation results of forged 7A04 ultra-hard aluminum disc-shaped component, the optimal solution for homogeneous plastic deformation of forged component was obtained. The simulation analysis results are verified by full-size forging production experiments, and the 7A04 ultra-hard aluminum alloy disc-shaped components with uniform deformation and no forging process defects are obtained.
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