Laser Welding Technology for 304 Stainless Steel and PA66 Plastic
Received:March 08, 2021  
中文关键词: 304不锈钢  PA66塑料  激光焊接  工艺研究  微观结构
英文关键词: 304 stainless steel  PA66 plastic  laser welding  technology research  microstructure
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Yi Henan Polytechnic Institute, Nanyang 473000, China 
XU Gui-yang Henan Polytechnic Institute, Nanyang 473000, China 
Hits: 1929
Download times: 1167
      目的 研究304不锈钢和PA66(尼龙)的焊接工艺,提高焊缝剪切强度。方法 采用500 W光纤激光器对异种材料进行搭接焊接实验,对激光功率、焊接速度、离焦量、焊接次数进行四因素四水平正交实验,并且测试焊缝剪切强度。结果 当激光功率为350 W,焊接速度为600 mm/s,离焦量为1 mm,焊接次数为3时,焊缝剪切强度达到最大的58 MPa。极差分析结果表明,影响焊缝剪切强度的因素依次为激光功率、离焦量、焊接速度、焊接次数。结论 微观结构分析结果表明,焊缝在PA66塑料侧呈现韧性断裂;在304不锈钢侧呈现韧性脱落,塑料和不锈钢有紧密的贴合,这种结构有利于提高焊缝的剪切强度。
      The work aims to study the welding technology for stainless steel 304 and PA66 (nylon), so as to improve the weld shear strength. 500 W fiber laser was used to carry out welding experiment on dissimilar materials. Four-factor and four-level orthogonal experiments were carried out on laser power, welding speed, defocusing amount and welding times, and the shear strength of weld was tested. When laser power was 350 W, welding speed was 600 mm/s, defocusing amount was 1 mm, and welding times was 3, the shear strength of weld reached 58 MPa. Range analysis results showed that factors affecting the shear strength of weld were laser power, defocusing amount, welding speed and welding times in sequence. Microstructure analysis results show that welds present ductile fracture on the plastic side and ductile detachment on side of 304 stainless steel. Plastic and stainless steel are fitted closely, which is beneficial for improving the shear strength of welds.
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