Effects of Hydrogen on Thermophysical Properties of TC21 Titanium Alloy
Received:August 12, 2021  
中文关键词: 钛合金  氢处理  热物理性能
英文关键词: titanium alloy  hydrogen treatment  thermophysical properties
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Xiao-xue School of Mechanical Engineering, Anhui Sanlian University, Hefei 230601, China 
XIANG Yun-liang No.59 Research Institute of China Ordnance Industry, Chongqing 400039, China 
CHEN Wen-jie School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
YUAN Bao-guo School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
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      目的 获得氢含量对TC21钛合金密度、热扩散系数、比热容和热导率等热物理性能的影响规律。方法 利用固态置氢法对TC21钛合金进行氢处理,利用固体密度测试仪、激光导热仪和差示扫描量热仪等设备测定原始及含有不同氢含量TC21钛合金的热物理性能。结果 随着氢含量的增加,TC21钛合金的密度呈线性降低趋势;TC21钛合金在不同温度下的比热容和热导率等均呈波折状变化规律。在不同温度下,氢含量对TC21钛合金热扩散系数的影响规律不同。当氢含量相同时,随着温度的升高,TC21钛合金的热扩散系数、比热容和热导率等均逐渐变大。结论 氢对TC21钛合金的热物理性能具有重要影响。
      The work aims to investigate the effects of hydrogen content on the density, thermal diffusivity, specific heat capacity and coefficient of thermal conductivity of TC21 titanium alloy. TC21 titanium alloy was treated with hydrogen by solid hydrogen method, and the thermophysical properties of original and TC21 titanium alloys with different hydrogen contents were measured by solid density tester, laser thermal conductivity meter and differential scanning calorimeter. The density of TC21 titanium alloy decreased linearly with the increase of hydrogen content. The specific heat capacity and coefficient of thermal conductivity of TC21 titanium alloy changed in a zigzag manner at different temperatures with the increase of hydrogen content. The effects of hydrogen content on the thermal diffusivity of TC21 titanium alloy varied at different temperatures. The thermal diffusivity, specific heat capacity and coefficient of thermal conductivity of TC21 titanium alloy increased with the increase of temperature when hydrogen content in the alloy was the same. Hydrogen has significant effects on the thermophysical properties of TC21 titanium alloy.
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