厚度为0.05 mm的316不锈钢激光焊接工艺
Study on Laser Welding Process of 316 Stainless Steel with Thickness of 0.05 mm
Received:February 25, 2021  
中文关键词: 316不锈钢  超薄  激光焊接  抗拉强度
英文关键词: 316 stainless steel  ultrathin  laser welding  tensile strength
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Yin-yin Henan Industry and Trade Vocational College, Zhengzhou 450000, China 
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      目的 研究0.05 mm厚不锈钢的最佳激光焊接参数,以便对实际生产进行指导。方法 采用IPG公司的连续光纤激光器对厚度为0.05 mm的316不锈钢进行连续焊接。首先,对焊接夹具的夹持间距进行研究;其次,通过设置焊缝轨迹导出线解决轨迹末尾的弧坑问题;最后,对激光功率、焊接速度及离焦量进行正交试验。结果 当激光功率为70 W,焊接速度为100 mm/s,离焦量为0 mm时,焊缝抗拉强度达到最大的167 MPa,此时的工艺参数为最佳工艺参数。结论 在最佳工艺参数条件下,焊缝一致性较好,焊缝无虚焊、焊穿等现象出现,焊缝能承受3个大气压不漏气,达到了实际生产的要求。
      The optimum process parameters of laser welding of stainless steel with thickness of 0.05 mm are studied in order to guide the actual production. 316 stainless steel with thickness of 0.05 mm is continuously welded by continuous fiber laser of IPG company. Firstly, the clamping spacing of welding fixture is studied and tested. Secondly, the problem of arc crater at the end of the track is solved by setting the export line of weld track. Finally, orthogonal experiments are carried out on laser power, welding speed and defocusing amount. When the laser power is 70 W, the welding speed is 100 mm/s and the defocusing amount is 0 mm, the maximum tensile strength of the weld seam reaches its maximum, which is 167 MPa. At this time, the process parameters are the best. Under the condition of the best process parameters, the consistency of weld seam is good, and the weld seam has no false welding, penetration and other phenomena. The weld seam can withstand 3 atmospheres without air leakage, which meets the actual production requirements.
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