Study on He+ Irradiation Damage Behavior of TIG Welds in Stainless Steel under Stress
Received:May 11, 2021  
中文关键词: 不锈钢  焊缝  应力状态  辐照缺陷  辐照硬化
英文关键词: stainless steel  weld  stress state  irradiation defect  irradiation hardening
Author NameAffiliation
LI Xin Jiangsu University, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhenjiang 212013, China 
LEI Yu-cheng Jiangsu University, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhenjiang 212013, China 
YAO Yi-qiang CGN Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518000, China 
DING Xiang-bin CGN Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518000, China 
ZHANG Wei-wei Jiangsu University, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhenjiang 212013, China 
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      目的 结合核材料应用环境,探究应力作用对304奥氏体不锈钢、430铁素体不锈钢和T91马氏体不锈钢的TIG焊焊缝辐照损伤行为的影响。方法 采用剂量(每cm2的离子数量)为2.1×1017,辐照能量为150 keV,束流为60 μA的He+离子束,对2种应力状态下3种不锈钢的焊缝进行He+辐照,并对其辐照前后的微观形貌和显微硬度进行测试分析。结果 SEM图像表明,外加拉应力的引入对304奥氏体不锈钢焊缝辐照缺陷的密度分布和尺寸大小的影响最大,辐照缺陷的间距在有应力作用时缩小了61.5%,缺陷的尺寸则增长了59.2%;纳米压痕数据显示,外加拉应力对T91马氏体不锈钢辐照硬化率增长的影响相对较小,仅为17.9%。结论 应力会使辐照缺陷最大尺寸增加,应力会在一定程度上降低材料的抗辐照性能。辐照导致T91,304,430这3种不锈钢焊缝硬度提高。相同应变条件下,与430不锈钢和304不锈钢相比,T91钢焊缝辐照硬化增量最小,T91焊缝的抗辐照硬化性能相对优异,工程应用中可优先选用T91钢。
      This paper aims to investigate the influence of stress on irradiation of TIG welds in 304 austenite stainless steel, 430 ferstenite ferrite stainless steel and T91 Marstenite stainless steel with the combination of the application environment of nuclear materials. In the experiment, the welds in three kinds of stainless steel under two stress states were irradiated by He+ at dose of 2.1×1017, with the irradiation energy of 150 keV and the beam of 60 μA. The micro-morphology and micro-hardness of the welds were measured and analyzed before and after irradiation. SEM images show that the influence of external tensile force on the density distribution and the size of the irradiated defects of the weld in 304 austenitic stainless steel was the greatest. The spacing of the irradiated defects was reduced by 61.5% and the size of the defects increased by 59.2% when the stress was applied. According to the nano-indentation data, the effect of external stress on the increase of irradiation hardening rate of T91 martensitic stainless steel was only 17.9%. The stress would increase the maximum size of the irradiated defect and reduce the radiation resistance of the material to a certain extent. Irradiation resulted in the increase of hardness of welds in these three kinds of stainless steels. Under the same strain condition, compared with 430 stainless steel and 304 stainless steel, the radiation hardening increment of the weld in T91 stainless steel was the smallest, and the radiation hardening resistance of the weld in T91 is relatively excellent. In conclusion, T91 stainless steel can be preferred in the engineering application.
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