Effect of Compound Addition of Y and Sm on Microstructure and Properties of Extruded AZ91
Received:February 27, 2021  
中文关键词: AZ91-1Ca-xY-ySm镁合金  挤压变形  显微组织  力学性能  时效处理
英文关键词: AZ91-1Ca-xY-ySm magnesium alloy  extrusion  microstructure  mechanical property  aging treatment
Author NameAffiliation
LI Cai-xia School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150040, China 
CHEN Chao School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150040, China 
XING Shi-wen School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150040, China 
ZHAO Xi-tong School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150040, China 
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      目的 研究不同含量的稀土元素Y和Sm对挤压态镁合金AZ91-1Ca-xY-ySm(x=0,0.33,0.67,1;y=0,0.17,0.33,0.5,质量分数)组织及性能的影响。方法 利用金相显微镜、XRD、TEM、SEM分析显微组织,并测试其室温拉伸性能和显微硬度。结果 随着Y和Sm含量的提高,挤压态AZ91-1Ca-xY-ySm平均晶粒尺寸由10.5 μm减小到5.6 μm,其拉伸强度和屈服强度分别由310 MPa和202 MPa最高提升至321 MPa和225 MPa。结论 稀土元素Y和Sm可以提升动态再结晶效果,Y和Sm含量增加时硬脆第二相Al2Y和Al2Sm数量增多,组织分布更加均匀,钉扎效应明显,细晶强化效果显著,AZ91-1Ca-0.67Y-0.33Sm力学性能最佳。对AZ91-1Ca-0.67Y-0.33Sm进行200 ℃下不同时间的时效处理,随着时效时间的增加,合金的抗拉强度呈先上升后下降的趋势,并在28 h时达最佳性能,此时合金的抗拉强度为350 MPa。
      This paper aims to investigate the effects of different contents of rare earth elements Y and Sm on the structure and properties of extruded magnesium alloy AZ91-1Ca-xY-ySm (x=0, 0.33, 0.67, 1; y=0, 0.17, 0.33, 0.5, mass fraction). Using metallographic microscope, XRD, TEM, SEM to analyze the microstructure, and test its room temperature tensile properties and microhardness. With the increase of the content of Y and Sm elements, the average grain size of extruded AZ91-1Ca-xY-ySm decreased from 10.5 μm to 5.6 μm, and the tensile strength and yield strength of this alloy increased from 310 MPa and 202 MPa to 321 MPa and 225 MPa respectively. The results showed that the rare earth elements Y and Sm improved the dynamic recrystallization effect. The amount of hard and brittle second phase Al2Y and Al2Sm increased with the increase of Y and Sm contents, the microstructure distribution was more uniform, the pinning effect and the fine grain strengthening effect were both obvious. AZ91-1CA-0.67Y-0.33Sm has the best mechanical properties. When the aging treatment was performed on AZ91-1Ca-0.67Y-0.33Sm at 200 ℃ with different times, the tensile strength of which increased first and then decreased with the increase of aging time, and reached the best performance at 28 h, the level at which the tensile strength of the alloy was 350 MPa.
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