Reduce Springback and Manufacturing Skin Parts Using High Speed Vibration - New Application of Electromagnetic Forming
Received:April 26, 2021  
中文关键词: 电磁渐进成形  高速振动  回弹  有限元仿真
英文关键词: electromagnetic incremental forming  high speed vibration  springback  finite element simulation
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51775563,51405173);中国商飞上海飞机制造有限公司青创项目(SAMC M00.852);中南大学高性能复杂制造国家重点实验室开放课题研究基金(ZZYJKT2017–03,ZZYJKT2020-02)
Author NameAffiliation
ZHU Lian-ping COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201324, China 
SUN Xiao-feng COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201324, China 
CHEN Bao-guo COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201324, China 
DU Zhi-hao a.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering b.Light Alloy Research Institute c.State Key Laboratory of High Performance Complex Manufacturing, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
CUI Xiao-hui a.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering b.Light Alloy Research Institute c.State Key Laboratory of High Performance Complex Manufacturing, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
a.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering b.Light Alloy Research Institute c.State Key Laboratory of High Performance Complex Manufacturing, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
a.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering b.Light Alloy Research Institute c.State Key Laboratory of High Performance Complex Manufacturing, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
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      目的 为了解决传统大型蒙皮成形需要大型装备及零件回弹大的问题,提出带弹性垫的蒙皮件电磁渐进成形新方法。方法 通过电磁线圈放电,材料在磁压力和弹性垫的反弹力作用下出现高速振动,消除零件回弹。采用ANSYS和ABAQUS有限元分析软件分别进行电磁场和结构场模拟,分析有无弹性垫、线圈结构和放电位置对蒙皮成形质量的影响规律。结果 在无弹性垫的条件下对板料进行冲击,板料上的塑性应变几乎没有变化。如果采用螺旋方形线圈和带弹性垫的成形工艺,虽然板料上的塑性应变增加,但是线圈正对板料区域出现1.5 mm的鼓包。采用电磁屏蔽方法调整板料上的电磁力分布和材料流动,当线圈在6个位置多次放电后,板料回弹明显减低,并且零件表面光滑。结论 在模拟得到的最佳工艺参数下,建立了实验装置,实验结果与模拟一致。
      To solve the problems that traditional large-scale skin forming requires large equipment and large springback, this paper proposes a new method of electromagnetic incremental forming with elastic pad. Through the electromagnetic coil discharge, the material vibrated at high speed under the action of magnetic pressure and elastic pad, so as to eliminate the springback of parts.. The ANSYS and ABAQUS software were used to simulate electromagnetic field and structural field, respectively. The influences of elastic pad, coil structure and discharge position on the forming quality of skin were analyzed. It was found that the plastic strain on the sheet material had almost no change when the sheet material deformed without elastic cushion. If the spiral square coil and the forming process with the elastic pad were used, the plastic strain on the sheet metal increased, while the coil directly opposite the sheet metal area appeared 1.5 mm bulge. Then the electromagnetic shielding method was used to adjust the distribution of electromagnetic force and material flow. When the coil was discharged at six positions, the springback was obviously reduced, and the surface of the parts was smooth. Using the optimum process parameters obtained by simulation, an experimental device is set up, and the experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation results.
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