Development at Home and Abroad on Electromagnetic Riveting
Received:March 29, 2021  
中文关键词: 电磁铆接  数值模拟  工艺试验  电磁铆接设备
英文关键词: electromagnetic riveting  numerical simulation  process experiments  electromagnetic riveting equipment
Author NameAffiliation
HUANG Yun-kai College of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410114, China 
ZHANG Xu College of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410114, China 
LI Jie Shenzhen Automotive Research Institute, Beijing Institute of Technology, Shenzhen 518118, China 
CUI Jun-jia State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China 
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      Electromagnetic riveting (EMR) is an assembly technology developed from the combination of electromagnetic forming and traditional riveting. The technology has obvious advantages in joining composite structures and riveting large-diameter/hard-to-deform rivets at room temperature. In this paper, the development achievements of electromagnetic riveting technology at home and abroad are summarized and analyzed from three aspects of electromagnetic riveting equipment, numerical simulation methods and process tests. The analysis results showed that the simulation of electromagnetic riveting technology abroad is earlier, and the equipment and process methods are relatively mature. Domestic research has made some progress, but compared with abroad still has a big gap. In terms of numerical simulation, the advantages and disadvantages of the mainstream methods of electromagnetic riveting process simulation are highlighted by comparison, which can be selected according to needs. In recent years, there are many reports on basic research of this technology in China. But there is no consistent standard and specification in the research of equipment and technology. It still need long-term study and exploration if this technology want to be quickly applied in engineering.
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