板材电磁成形技术研究进展 |
Research Development of Electromagnetic Forming (EMF) Technology in Sheet Metal |
Received:July 25, 2021 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2021.05.001 |
中文关键词: 金属板材 电磁成形 成形性能 |
英文关键词: sheet metal electromagnetic forming formability |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51675128, 52175304) |
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中文摘要: |
电磁成形是一种典型的高速率成形技术,能显著提高材料的成形性能,并已经成功应用于金属板材成形领域,获得了很好的成形效果。为了能够继续扩大电磁成形技术在板材成形方面的应用,对目前板材电磁成形技术研究进展进行了综述。首先介绍了电磁成形工艺的原理与主要特点;分析了目前电磁成形技术、电磁辅助冲压成形技术在金属板材成形方面的研究进展;提出了电磁成形技术在应用研究方面存在的主要问题,并展望了该技术的发展趋势;最后,分别从成形材料和成形工艺两个方面分析了后续研究的突破点以实现扩大该技术应用的目的。 |
英文摘要: |
Electromagnetic forming (EMF) is a typical high speed forming technology that improves the formability of the sheet metal significantly and has been successfully applied to the sheet metal forming field. In order to expand the application of electromagnetic forming technology in sheet metal forming, the current progress on the electromagnetic forming technology was reviewed in this work. The principle and the main characteristics of EMF technology were introduced first; the research developments of the EMF technology and electromagnetically assisted stamping forming technology in sheet metal forming were analyzed; the main points in forming applications of EMF technology were discussed and its development trend was looked forward. Finally, in order to expand the application of EMF technology, forming materials and forming methods were analyzed as the focus of the subsequent research. |
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