Effect of Heat Treatment Parameters on the Properties of Ultra-High-Strength Steel
Received:March 22, 2021  
中文关键词: 超高强度钢  热处理  多目标优化  NSGA-Ⅱ
英文关键词: ultra-high-strength steel  heat treatment  multi-objective optimization  NSGA-Ⅱ
Author NameAffiliation
HUANG Chao-qun Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing and Automotive, Chongqing Technology and Business Institute, Chongqing 401520, China 
XIAO Gui-qian College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China 
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      目的 研究热处理工艺参数对BR1500HS超高强度钢的微观组织、拉伸断口以及力学性能的影响,并且研究保温时间和加热温度对淬火后的硬度、抗拉强度、微观组织以及伸长率等的影响规律。方法 将BR1500HS加热到一定温度,并保温使得试样充分奥氏体化,随后在水中冷却,并测试冷却后的材料力学性能。此外,将克立金模型引入用于近似加热温度、保温时间与硬度、抗拉强度、伸长率之间的关系,用NSGA-Ⅱ多目标遗传算法优化代理模型。结果 当保温时间一定时,硬度随着加热时间的增加先增加后减小、抗拉强度先增加后减小最后趋于平稳;当加热温度一定时,硬度随保温时间的增加先增加后减小。当加热温度不同时,抗拉强度随保温时间的变化规律不同;当加热温度在950 ℃以下时,随着保温时间的增加而增加;当加热温度在950~1000 ℃时,随着保温时间的增加先增加后减小。结论 采用实验和代理模型的优化结果的误差较小,对BR1500HS超高强度钢的热处理工艺具有一定的指导作用。
      This paper aims to study the effect of heat treatment process parameters on microstructure, tensile fracture and mechanical properties of BR1500HS ultra high strength steel, and to study the effect of holding time and heating temperature on hardness, tensile strength, microstructure and elongation after quenching. BR1500HS was heated to a certain temperature, and the sample was fully austenitized by holding, then cooled in water, and the mechanical properties of the material after cooling were tested. In addition, Kriging model is introduced to approximate the relationship between heating temperature, holding time and hardness, tensile strength and elongation, and NSGA-Ⅱ multi-objective genetic algorithm is used to optimize the surrogate model. The results show that when the holding time is fixed, the hardness first increases and then decreases, the tensile strength first increases and then decreases, and finally tends to be stable with the increase of heating time. When the heating temperature is constant, the hardness first increases and then decreases with the increase of holding time. When the heating temperature is inconstant, the change of tensile strength with holding time is different; When the heating temperature is below 950 ℃, it increases with the increase of holding time; when the heating temperature is 950-1000 ℃, it first increases and then decreases with the increase of holding time. The results of experiment and surrogate model show that the error is small, which can guide the heat treatment process of BR1500HS ultra-high strength steel.
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