Analysis of Current of High-Efficient and Precise Rolling Technology and Equipment for Shafts with Complex Profiles
Received:June 07, 2021  
中文关键词: 轴类零件  滚轧成形  设备
英文关键词: shaft parts  rolling forming  equipment
Author NameAffiliation
JIANG Fei School of Mechanical Engineering, Xiʹan Jiaotong University, Xiʹan 710049, China 
MENG Fei-ran China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, Xiʹan 710100, China 
ZHAO Sheng-dun School of Mechanical Engineering, Xiʹan Jiaotong University, Xiʹan 710049, China 
GAO Jing-zhou School of Mechanical Engineering, Xiʹan Jiaotong University, Xiʹan 710049, China 
FEI Liang-yu School of Mechanical Engineering, Xiʹan Jiaotong University, Xiʹan 710049, China 
FENG Zhi-yan School of Mechanical Engineering, Xiʹan Jiaotong University, Xiʹan 710049, China 
WANG Yong-fei School of Mechanical Engineering, Xiʹan Jiaotong University, Xiʹan 710049, China 
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      There are a large number of shaft parts such as spline shafts, screws, lead screws, worms, etc. in industrial practice, whose complex surface shapes are processed by traditional cutting methods, which has the disadvantages of low production efficiency, serious material waste, cut of surface material fibers, poor mechanical properties, etc., nevertheless, high-efficiency, precise and high-performance rolling forming processes and equipment are effective ways to solve the above-mentioned cutting problems. This article systematically discusses the principles of four typical processes in the high-efficiency and precision rolling of shafts with complex profiles, the basic composition of the equipment and its working process, and the status quo of typical products in industrial practice, the 4 typical processes include flat rolling, tangential rolling, radial infeed rolling and axial infeed rolling forming process. And this article further analyzes the respective characteristics of these four typical processes, to lay the foundation for the promotion and application of the above four processes and equipment in industrial practice.
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