异构结构纳米金刚石/钛基复合材料的微观组织与力学性能 |
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nanodiamond/Titanium Matrix Composites with Heterogeneous Structure |
Received:March 22, 2021 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2021.03.006 |
中文关键词: 异构结构 机械球磨 放电等离子烧结技术 钛基复合材料 |
英文关键词: heterogeneous structure ball milling spark plasma sintering titanium matrix composites |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金-航天先进制造联合基金(U1737103) |
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中文摘要: |
目的 探究不同粗细晶比例的异构结构对纳米金刚石/钛基复合材料的物相组成、组织结构及力学性能的影响。方法 首先利用低能与高能球磨机进行粉末混合,接着利用放电等离子烧结技术对复合材料进行制备,最后采用金相显微镜、XRD、SEM、TEM、显微硬度计、材料力学电子万能试验机对复合材料的形貌、成分及力学性能进行分析。结果 复合材料中有纳米TiC相形成,微观组织中形成了细/粗晶的异构结构和增强相的成分浓度梯度分布;随着细晶比例的逐渐增加,硬度和强度都逐渐增强,硬度最高可达382HV,拉伸屈服强度最高可达1017 MPa,塑性为17.8%。结论 添加的增强相纳米金刚石和异构结构的设计,使复合材料的硬度、强度得到了显著提高,而塑性损失很小。异构结构的钛基复合材料具有优异的强度和塑性的组合。强韧化机理为可控非均匀分布的纳米金刚石和TiC增强相对位错运动的阻碍和钉扎机制。 |
英文摘要: |
The paper investigates the effect of heterogeneous structure with different ratio of coarse to fine crystal on phase composition, microstructure and mechanical properties of nanodiamonds reinforced titanium matrix composites. Methods are shown below:First, the powder was mixed by low and high energy ball milling, and then the composites were prepared by spark plasma sintering technique. Finally, the morphology, composition and mechanical properties of the composites were analyzed by optical microscopy, XRD, SEM, TEM, microhardness tester and electronic universal mechanical testing machine. Experimental results show that nano-TiC phase is formed in the composite material, fine/coarse heterogeneous structure and the composition concentration gradient distribution of the reinforcing phase are formed in the microstructure. With the gradual increase of the proportion of fine grains, the hardness and strength are gradually enhanced, the hardness is up to 382HV, and the tensile yield strength is up to 1017 MPa with ductility of 17.8%. The addition of ND and heterogeneous structure makes the strength and hardness of the composites significantly improved, while the ductility loss is small. Titanium matrix composites with heterogeneous structure have excellent combination of strength and ductility. The strengthening and toughening mechanism is the hinder and pinning effect of dislocation movement by controllable non-uniform distribution of nanodiamonds and TiC reinforcements. |
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