B180H1天窗顶盖修边碎屑的解决措施 |
Solution for Trimming Iron Filings of B180H1 Sunroof |
Received:April 07, 2020 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2021.02.021 |
中文关键词: B180H1 天窗顶盖 模具 修边碎屑 生产效率 |
英文关键词: B180H1 sunroof mould trimming iron filings productivity |
基金项目: |
Author Name | Affiliation | WANG Zhi-jun | Ningbo Jirun Auto Parts Co., Ltd., Ningbo 315336, China | ZHANG Chuan-hai | Ningbo Jirun Auto Parts Co., Ltd., Ningbo 315336, China | SHI Jing-hua | Ningbo Jirun Auto Parts Co., Ltd., Ningbo 315336, China | SONG Qi | Ningbo Jirun Auto Parts Co., Ltd., Ningbo 315336, China |
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中文摘要: |
目的 采用五工序成形工艺生产天窗顶盖,中间及尾部R角和曲线造型修边工艺设计在OP20和OP40工序,研究此两序下天窗顶盖的修边刃口,改善零件的切边碎屑。方法 利用B180H1材质设计一种天窗冲压修边工艺及模具,建立天窗顶盖成形工艺,在生产过程中,通过调整刃口间隙、垂直度、符型、刃入量等改善修边碎屑。结果 在设计的OP20和OP40工序工艺中,修边刃口符型,两侧激光焊直边采用镶块而非整体结构,刃入量和刃口间隙分别为6 mm和0.035 mm,采用二级废料刀结构有效改善了修边碎屑。结论 天窗顶盖修边工艺排布在OP20和OP40工艺合理,修边碎屑和上下模修边刃口间隙、刃入量、废料刀相关,研配模具可以有效改善碎屑压伤,提升产品质量和实际生产效率。 |
英文摘要: |
The work aims to produce sunroof by the five-step forming process, design the middle and tail R angle and curve shape of the trimming process in OP20 and OP40 processes, research on the trimming edge of sunroof, and improve the trimming iron filings of sunroof. B180H1 was used to design a sunroof stamping and trimming process and mould. The forming process of sunroof was designed. In the production process, cutting edge clearance, verticality, rune type, cutting edge, etc. were adjusted to improve trimming iron filings. In design OP20 and OP40 process technology, the blade rune was trimmed, and non-integral structure inserts were adopted on straight flange of laser welding on both sides. The cutting amount and cutting edge clearance were 6 mm and 0.035 mm respectively. The secondary waste knife structure effectively improved the trimming iron filings. It is reasonable to arrange the trimming process of sunroof in OP20 and OP40. Trimming iron filings are related to the upper and lower mould trimming edge clearance, cutting amount and scrap knife. Adjusting the mould can improve iron filings crushing effectively, and improve product quality and actual productivity. |
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