MIG Welding Process of Heterogeneous Aluminum Alloys
Received:September 25, 2020  
中文关键词: 汽车  铸铝  铝型材  MIG焊  显微组织
英文关键词: car  die casting aluminum  aluminum alloy profile  MIG welding  microstructure
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Zhi-yun FAW-VW Automobile Co., Ltd., Changchun 130001, China 
TONG Wei FAW-VW Automobile Co., Ltd., Changchun 130001, China 
Hits: 2766
Download times: 1692
      目的 研究汽车用铸铝和铝型材MIG焊接头质量特性。方法 对铸铝AlSi10MnMg和铝型材6005A-T6进行MIG搭接焊,探讨焊接速度对焊缝成形的影响规律,研究接头的显微组织。结果 其他焊接参数相同,焊接速度为4 mm/s时,易导致压铸铝合金产生氢气孔。MIG搭接焊接接头型材和铸材的熔合区晶界均有不同程度的粗化,铸材晶界处析出大量低熔点Mg2Si脆性共晶组织,弱化接头硬度值。结论 在焊接电流为120 A、焊接电压为25 V、焊接速度为6 mm/s、送丝速度为9 m/min、气体流量为21 L/min情况下,可以获得焊缝成形美观的MIG焊接头质量,满足车身强度的设计和使用要求。
      The work aims to study the quality character of MIG welding of car-used die-casting aluminum alloy and aluminum alloy profile. MIG lap welding was conducted on die-casting aluminum alloy (AlSi10MnMg) and aluminum alloy profile-6005A. The influence rule of welding speed on formation of welding joint was discussed. Microstructure of the joints was investigated. Low welding speed of 4 mm/s was likely to lead to the production of hydrogen holes in die-cast aluminum alloys when other welding parameters were the same. The crystal boundaries in the fusion area of MIG welding joint in profile and casting material were roughed to varying degrees, and a large number of low-melting-point Mg2Si phase was delineated at the casting crystal boundaries, weakening the hardness value of the joint. With reasonable process parameters (welding current:120 A, welding voltage:25 V, welding speed:6 mm/s, feeding speed:9 m/min, gas flow:21 L/min), the quality of the MIG welding joint could be obtained, which meets the design and use requirements of body strength.
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