2 m级大尺寸高温合金机匣精密成形工艺研究
Precision Forming Technology for Superalloy Casing with 2-meter Diameter
Received:September 16, 2020  
中文关键词: GH4169合金  大尺寸机匣  异形制坯  有限元模拟
英文关键词: GH4169 alloy  large size casing  contour preforming  FEM
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Qing Gui Zhou Aviation Technology Development Co., Ltd., Guiyang 550081, China 
LUO Hong-fei Gui Zhou Aviation Technology Development Co., Ltd., Guiyang 550081, China 
TONG Jian AECC Shenyang Liming Aero Engine Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110041, China 
WANG Jian-guo School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi′an 710072, China
Chongqing Technology Innovation Center, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Chongqing 401120, China 
KONG Ling-wei School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi′an 710072, China 
WU Yong-an Gui Zhou Aviation Technology Development Co., Ltd., Guiyang 550081, China 
LIU Dong School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi′an 710072, China
Chongqing Technology Innovation Center, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Chongqing 401120, China 
WANG Hua-dong Gui Zhou Aviation Technology Development Co., Ltd., Guiyang 550081, China 
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      目的 为满足某型号燃气轮机用2 m级大尺寸高温合金机匣整体精密成形的要求,在保证组织与性能均匀性的同时,进一步提高材料利用率。方法 通过数值模拟优化环件精密成形工艺,对制坯及环轧过程的热力参数进行分析,并将其与组织性能结果进行对比。结果 通过胎膜制坯+异形环轧成形大尺寸高温合金环锻件,锻件成形完整,热力参数分布均匀,显微组织和性能一致性较高。结论 有限元数值模拟方法可对环件成形过程的热力参数进行有效预测,而且可通过热力参数-组织-性能之间的关系准确判断工艺的合理性和可行性。高温合金的显微组织和性能对热加工过程非常敏感,应尽量减少成形过程中局部区域变形的明显温升和只加热未变形的现象发生。
      The work aims to improve the material utilization on the premise of ensuring microstructure and property uniformity to meet the requirement on precision forming of 2-meter diameter superalloy casing used for gas turbine. The precision forming process of rings was optimized by numerical simulation. The thermal mechanical parameters during the blank forging and ring rolling process were analyzed and compared with the result of microstructure and properties. The results showed that the large-size superalloy ring forgings formed by membrane blank forging+special-shaped ring blank rolling were complete. Thermal mechanical parameters, microstructure and properties were distributed uniformly. FEM simulation can effectively predict the thermal parameters of ring forming process. Rationality and feasibility of the process can be accurately judged by the relationship between thermal parameters, microstructure and properties. Microstructure and properties of superalloy are sensitive to the hot working process. Obvious temperature rise and only heating process without deformation should be avoided during hot working of superalloy.
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