Effects of Solidification Rate on Microstructure Evolution and Phase Transformation Behavior of Ni/Ni3Al-based Superalloys
Received:November 05, 2020  
中文关键词: Ni/Ni3Al基高温合金  凝固速度  凝固组织  相变
英文关键词: Ni/Ni3Al-based superalloy  solidification rate  solidification structure  phase transformation
Author NameAffiliation
LI Ye-fan School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China 
LI Chong School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China 
YU Li-ming School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China 
LIU Yong-chang School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China 
LI Hui-jun School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China 
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      Ni/Ni3Al-based superalloys are widely used in aerospace and other fields because of their excellent high temperature strength, oxidation resistance and creep resistance. In the work, the effect of solidification rate on the microstructure evolution and phase transformation behavior (γ′, β phase and carbide precipitates) in Ni/Ni3Al-based superalloys were reviewed. It provides reference and guidance for the research and microstructure control of non-equilibrium solidification technology for Ni/Ni3Al-based superalloys. The precipitates of γ′, β and carbides in Ni/Ni3Al-based superalloys are very sensitive to the cooling rate during solidification. At high solidification rate, these precipitates present different microstructure characteristics from low solidification rate. High solidification rate can significantly reduce the size of γ′ phase and make their morphology tend to be spherical. What is more, martensitic transformation occurs in β phase. As a consequence, high solidification rate finally has an important impact on the comprehensive properties of the alloys.
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