电脑主机风扇底座注射成形流动仿真及模具设计 |
Flow Simulation and Mould Design for Injection Molding of Fan Base of Mainframe Computer |
Received:March 11, 2020 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2020.06.022 |
中文关键词: 风扇底座 模具设计 注射成形 有限元仿真 |
英文关键词: fan base mould design injection molding finite element simulation |
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中文摘要: |
目的 设计一种造型美观、结构稳固、形状复杂的3层电脑风扇底座塑料制品。方法 采用Moldflow软件对电脑主机风扇底座的注射成形工艺流动过程进行了有限元仿真,对充填过程中的充填时间、气穴位置、熔接痕进行了分析。结果 确定了气穴和熔接痕的位置,提出了改进方法,分析了最大变形量的发生位置,最后对其注射成形模具进行了设计,主要对主型芯和斜导柱侧抽芯机构进行了设计,分析了模具的主要机构组成及工作原理。结论 将仿真技术与3D模具设计技术应用在新型电脑风扇底座模型及模具开发中,能够较为准确地分析制品充填过程中的充填时间、气孔、熔接痕和变形量等参数,从而指导模具设计过程。 |
英文摘要: |
The paper aims to design a kind of plastic product with beautiful and stable three-layer structure and complex shape of computer fan base. The flow process of injection molding of computer fan base was simulated by Moldflow software. The filling time, position of air cavity and weld mark was analyzed. The positions of air cavity and weld mark were determined. The improvement methods were proposed. The biggest deformation was analyzed. At last, the injection molding die was designed, which mainly designed the main core and the side core pulling mechanism of the inclined guide pillar, and analyzed the main mechanism composition and working principle of the die. The application of simulation technology and 3D mold design technology in the development of new computer fan base models and molds can accurately analyze the parameters such as filling time, pores, weld marks and deformation during the product filling process, thus guiding the mold design process. |
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